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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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never ending doubt. When you stop to wonder beliefs that stop you in your path.
you get tired, we attack the beliefs that were overcome long ago.
The easiest way to begin to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without it.
it becomes clear that you can not achieve your goal, do not change this target, but their action plan.
most dangerous woman is at the age when delay is no longer lost, but missed it is not yet forgotten.
their happiest, most successful people at least once have considered suicide an option. They have decided not to do so.
future without difficulty? Why do not you appeared at that time and space, if you do not want to face any difficulties?
principles is a slow process, you will not know that they have changed before it is deemed proper, just will not seem any longer.
Forget about faith! To fly, you do not need faith. You only need to understand flying.
Women want to get everything at once, the desires, as a child, she is ready to ignite the house to boiled eggs.
in love with a woman every day is either paradise or hell.
feeble enemy - our best friend, envious friend - the worst of our enemies.
woman as a shadow follows then that of her running away, but as a shadow is elusive, if someone in their catch.
woman like jack-o\'-lantern, which both can be seen, but to grasp - ever since getting grabbed her other than seeing it pretends.
woman like a fish, the broad waters they live in peace, but when it takes the hands of the free kick to make sense.

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Page : 335
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