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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

Buy charity greeting cards, and help children in hospitals

Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

Reading room

Here is our little library for a lot of different resources

Feed the children

Help children in poor families with a donation


List of many companies that have supported Eurika charity projects


Donate to help Eurika charity projects


Poems for your greeting cards


Here you can create and send your own E-cards


Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Every day is a new day.
With every friend of progress, something in us dies a little.
nedodies Never sleep angry. Stay awake and destroy anger.
The most successful people are those who give up the plan \'b\' performance.
We have run between nothing and all the destruction. Why not use all the options?
biggest mistake people - in particular, they agree forcefully, which is not assured.
space, everything moves in an unspecified route. Nothing is completely accurate.
Home is always today.
Youth has no age.
It is an illusion that youth is happy time. An illusion to those who lost.
You can not make a choice, because you do not know what will happen next. once you know what happens next, you have no choice.
fraudster is always a witness.
Time - the best teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students.
golden age was never the present era.
Fools are declining, but the quality increases.

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Page : 327
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