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the eyes of people always visbēdīgākie.
You can rely on fate, thinking that your life is already created for the tune, but do not forget that every composition can play a thousand ways.
Be nice to people, going to the goal, because if you fall down, you should meet again, they will.
today would be perfect, would not be need for tomorrow.
We are women. We will never not tell you exactly what we want, but reserve the right to get offended if you do not receive.
of love may be the moment when someone is given every opportunity to destroy you, but he chooses not to do so.
Champion is the one who gets up when it is not.
Never say the sky is the limit, as long as the moon is found footprints.
Dream as if you live forever, live as if you die tomorrow.
Remember the past and plan for the future, but live today as Yesterday is gone, but tomorrow may not be warranted.

We loved Both Each Other Today

I\'m the only one who is thinking about Yesterday
And you\'re looking forward to tomorrow

Yesterday we said hi Both
Today we said goodbye
Tomorrow I want to say hello again

Yesterday we laughed and kissed
Today I cried and missed
Tomorrow I\'ll sit and think

Yesterday I was hot
Today I\'ve been cooled
Tomorrow will REVEAL the ashes of us.
Is No Time

There is no time, No time to spare,
These are the moments, In Which we share,

There is no time, Forget the past,
For nothing is forever, This will not last,

There is no time, The end is near,
Love Each moment, Live not in fear ...

Everything is rapped up in the darkness,
I keep searching left, right, for more, or less?
I\'m Trapped in an empty hole,
I tried to get back what you stole.
You\'ve Stolen and broken my heart heavy,
Ever since THEN, I\'ve been falling apart.
The Birds of longer sing Aloud,
The Sun never come out from behind the clouds.
The sky is always gray and cold,
I\'m stuck with this Burden that i hold.
I can not keep thinking about it all,
There is the one to catch me when I fall.
Can not find Another you

My heart plays a Different Sound
When it think of you it goes up & down

When I\'m on my feet
plays in a Different Beat

When I\'m lost in my way
in Show Me Your Way

Please be so kind and do not move out of my mind
Because it\'s impossible to find Another you.
On My Mind

I\'m sitting here in a place of peace and beauty,
But on my mind it\'s only you.
Being Held In Your Arms, the touch of your hands;
The feel of your kiss, there never HAS BEEN a better feeling.

God, am I dreaming?
I wanna feel you, I wanna feel your arms around me,
I want to feel you while our breath mingles, Oh I wanna feel you.

Am I just crazy? Is this all in my head?

I know I CAN SEEM a bit crazy sometime, so. .
Would you wanna feel me?
Feel my arms around you, Feel the touch of my hand,
Feel me while my breath mingles with yours;

Would you wanna feel my heart race as we embrace,
See the excitements in my eyes When I see your face?

Am I dreaming?
I do not know.

I do know This is the peace and beauty I want to feel,
Here in Your Arms.

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