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Page : 323
We live really just as much as you meet at a themselves, their work and their lovers.
Youth view the world as she is, her husband\'s years - as what it should be, but the age - as she is.
Nature gives us the only free time, everything else we obtain with ease. Time the cheapest, but expensive, because through him we got it all.
I heart the bud,
Since the sun you.
When my kisses,
Then blooms.

My heart as a snail\'s
Since you pearl;
With you \'is all I have,
One does not fit.
no one living in you,
Not one soul:
From the land of flowers and birds
You bring something to himself.
sight of me,
You iespurkšķi coast
And was hiding at the birds.
But when the lilac donate,
You open your eyes,
Blue eyes heat-impacted,
And white, sound legs
Brings me to you.
I love love love you,
As the ivy green spigot to the sun,
And you smile in return you complete,
May our hearts the joy of St. John\'s.

I love love love you,
And radiant with joy and cool and stately
I am your dear self gremdēšu,
As a sky-blue cloud white sink.
I love love love you,
And your mind as a white seagull
Up to the sky I laidīšu
How ābeļzaru Aija full flower.
wonderful -
Than than it should not be
And do everything, everything.
to you, on you go to this flower,
To you in this flowering of thought -
Heart of the sun in you to not set!
Heart of the sun in you to not set,
At the request of my thoughts,
You wish shining sky,
You have green mountains and valleys -
To your eyes that wish it!
For your eyes wish that all
As part of the eternal poetry.
As stealthily, so slowly, so quietly,
It is the same nemanoti
Kindled against you, heart
And now burning very, very.
And if someone that will take, say \'no\', because so and it is already understood.
If someone kills physically threatens a large fine, but if he kills the soul, then just shrugs.
Only someone who had nothing, could feel free.
Kārtīgs one can not be retained from the past. Memory is unfortunate life.
people should belong only to what he was trying to escape from death, you can carry them with you on your back.

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