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Page : 318
one body over time can be constructed,
Less substantial step as may be,
After years behind the forest ends
As the migratory chain disappears.

The world\'s honor and shame,
The knife to puncture vāzts,
With eyes forever young
It is the soul to be seen.
Everything has come and been and gone.
Again, I\'m waiting - Eve
jāsaplaukst soon.
As bee honey bear,
so I warm in the sun
dieniņas his life,
tional your eyes.
Livslust is testimony not only health but also the most effective means to deliver from the disease.
against new spring days to go.
To the March storms and for years the mountain.
And Catkins flowering as a cloud.
And the larks singing aiztrenc frost.

You stop for a moment to feel the heart
When excited floors at mid-career.
Streams to snore. The sun shines brightly.
To dream the birds fly towards the winds.

From years of heart need not be afraid.
At the mouth of the brown put the whistles,
Then again will want to pursue after high water.
Then again, you will see: snow flourishes flower.
Allows land for a long time can
by thy loving ways to go,
to my feet touches the flowers
and your heart to the birds singing.
sun, the sky KAIST,
Year after year beautifully
Aizveļ. Year after year.
today and always wish you to love what is worthy of love, to forget what is worth remembering, proud of the fact that pride is worth it to break at the moment and the rush to build a fence between themselves and worry. And yet - to have a leisurely time within your moments of happiness and to quickly aizzib the day that is not kind to you.
uncertainties lauzusies as will be
with your way, neapjaužot it.
Who else knows how it is - for a moment to give up his life
and then no regret in anything?
bright day everything seems to be done
Laughter lances dark slits.
Even from a mud puddle shoe
Spring idea is drawn.
one care to other care.
Over the hump.
Across the river.

From one to the other snow snow.
One third of sleep.
Day-day drives.
Work drives work.
When did you last Check the inside?
How long?
Do not forget: every day you are served like an eternity for you to be happy.
sweetness of flowers still on his lips,
Members are residing passage,
Give me again pumpurprieku,
Before coming autumn lapukritums.
heyday so nice, so warm -
It uzdziediet, the praise!

Gifts they bring you happiness -
Uzdziediet Well, well, rejoice!
Every morning, whatever time
Says: go toward the sun!
And, no matter how dark you learn how to face,
Says: I sorrow for the laughs!
Oh, say it dear name,
what you are born in the heart,
To this so within yourself

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