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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Page : 316
For a candlestick
you get laid,
If you are a bright,
then all
light providing
. . . Days of your life turned
Time with sharp shears,
Therefore, light weight, weighing
Every moment.
Remembering the former,
Dark nenomaldies -
Atskaties and smiles,
Say thank you to all!
seeded itself deeper

Bearer of sad his years
Bearer empty furrow,
Bearer winds, vehicle air,
Seeded into the ground hard.

Air-bearer, carrier of winds,
Seeded itself deeper
In order to fledgling hazel branch
Thee deceive.
Years rings

As the years closes rings,
How are the rings around the heart may be brewing!
Year after year rings.
Range of circuits, radiation rays
Rings around you in a rut
Near and distant musicians plump.
I get old and wise.
It seems - the other side of good, evil.
Already beard shines in silver,
But I have a new face.
And new cravings
Much longer than me.
So many who lacked the time!
But where is time?
Or turned into gold vapor
And now the constellation play with?
years does not matter, if you can still lose your head, you\'re young.
I am a man
The life of me the same
And around me
Like a giant ocean. . .
behind the green coniferous forests aizgrimst days
How aizgrimst sunlight.
You get both hands raw
Already in his late afternoon.
So maybe a hundred years you be able to survive only if the refuse of all pleasures, which it would be worth it to live so long.
no other drug to birth and death, and enjoy the time between them.
Yes, cherries had a \'garden ornament and pride,
as the moment you summer greens given to
years would look into your eyes, come autumn, soon
Litava slacīs, but sing songs about
Cherries in the summer, the song of
red cherries.
is human life such as a relative
Garden - the buds, fruits and
twisted, with spikes of weeds, with screaming
thrushes, singing with the hope of morning, and
human life is playing the song of the cherry,
this song on the red cherries.

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