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Page : 315
With your name you
Awoke in the morning,
I am your words you over
As a gentle veil of the deck.
Say, a new friend, or say
They assess years of residence?
Is not that something infinitely long?
But this - your life capital.
Even more to think about those years,
What will come of capital interest. . .
cling to step wide
To gaze safe and stubborn
Beyond the year after the year
And each - as one time

is a tree,
can not reach.
a sprout,
just sprouting.
the apple tree
next to you.
Take care,
to branches
fruit adversity
Day as a flower

Day and put flowers in the crown,
Life under the influence of the cleaver ointments,
Whatever clouds, winds will remove once.
Day and put flowers in the crown,
Life of the oak casing Lied -
Green DZĪPARI thread mesh,
Day and put flower wreath
Annual Rings

Year rings as waves
Life at sea and come rushing.
Longing to find dzintargraudu
Heart will never not be exhausted.
to-day light starts mirdzināt
And white faith may seem
Through life as a grove of silver to go!
Rose Garden

The rose into every sorrow
If God had allowed us
As the rose garden shelf then land
And starry the sky.

With a smile of sorrow draw a rose
For sometimes fate allows
And to thy petals
As he rose nenorauj

Happy Birthday and lots of fun!
What is required - everything! There is nothing superfluous!
And also - what most want:
- A bit true love!

I wish it to yourself, you\'re well.
This please remember, if you can!
A bit! Although a bit
But - one who may chance to pour
Wake up behind a fortune

In the morning, wake behind a fortune
By running barefoot in the garden,
Summer and draw things on the shoulders
And just the same flesh bloom. . .
to warm, summer to winter snow,
To work, to friends and to time the pleasure,
To be a white soul the idea of ​​winding the yarn,
Comes down to what will be expected
What\'s reach as the ceiling?
Knowing that the low.
And that is caught in the wind?
The fact that for a slow run.
What is nipping pain?
News that heal?
And what is your own life?
Confession that short.

Happiness - it is a will of life,
Happiness - it\'s OF LIFE.
If you still love to help,
Everything else is a piece of cake!

Difficult idea to take the wrist,
Turn on that side of the sun -
maybe a flower in the winter approached
where there is not yet ziedējusi,
maybe the heat in you will flow into the
something that can be shared, not stored,
and you will go through the winter
so much lighter, so much better.

So be short-lived,
how paspīdēsi;
So life is long,
how do we can.

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