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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 314
Happiness is the socket where the number of children
where friendly shared breakfast and
shared experiences sorrows and joys.
And if you do not believe it, listen to
exultant voices of birds,
that sounds a flourishing spring in the woods.
Once upon a ti
rich kids house full of laughter, work and kindness of every goodly folk and country basis.
When the petals away from us classes
We will Involucre that will not rub off.
Brush flower and crumbles in all winds allowed.
Plump fruit Involucre inwards rout.
Your children running towards you
while away from you,
and only they are capable of it.

Your kids run with you,
and you stand with them,
and only you it can.
without unnecessary volume
free funny bravūras
simple as ice
came to love

maybe summer will forgive
that the flood was not
It was natural calm flowing

you put a boy\'s lap
brown eyes curly head

Gauja samērkti sun scarves
as wet diapers
When the kids around, then it is somehow safer.
As far as the other way around! Even if they can not
we defend, but you feel more energetic,
Do you feel stronger when yo
two eyes,
That opens the world
Opens the heart.
Anniversary -
Greeting storms
the champagne
wave yet,
Anniversary -
loving the word mint,
for a hundred years
those around you will thrive!
these beautiful flowers
of roses in all nations are called,
but women - so cute, beautiful -
daudzdažādi is allowed to be called.
name in the world is so much
but one thing - bring a lifetime,
and the right to feel fatigued when we -
what you remember, what name is your name. . .
Only what you loved,
Even aiziedams will not be lost.
They are the brightest, best years
Are written in heaven.
Life as a rose -
beautiful and fancy flower
years as a rose
fragrant petals,
which you belong,
which you make to flourish,
while Fight
fate decided on fighting.
How deep roots

years of age household income
and the laughs -
the end and beginning,
in other words,
everything is going very well.

Every man,
as young or old,
the deep roots
the green
If the thought of you in vain,
All the flowers turn into,
Rich garden gold around you,
Make-up fragrance incense.

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Page : 314
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