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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Page : 311
hang the medal?
It\'s about
What did yesterday.
Tomorrow Medal
flashes paler.
Its brilliance
go on!

is the path of truth.
sludge is lying here.
is an unknown field.
Most generous -
loving incorporated.
I have the whole world as a huge surprise it seemed
From the golden apple tree when an apple fell on his lap.
I looked at this long saga bushy tree,
Apple and endorsed as a youth my hand.
Oh, bright apple tree with golden fruit burden
While the great life I live in dignity \'ability to respond
And martial nebītos not ziemeļvēja harsh,
But go to my happy life work
people are so happy, the same wish.
You can get anything you want, unless you want it enough consistently. You must be willing to it as a relentless force to break it off and you blend in with the energy of the creator of the world.
Happiness is a golden cloud edge -
. . . where to sow.
. . . our power to commit every day to live in truth, peace and love and smile, not noskurināties the passing of time. This way we can collectively show a long time,\'\' nose\'\'.
. . . you are here and now, you can stop and see life as a battlefield.
drawn from the horizon lying pine forest,
Hope the color is always blue.

As long as we breathe, we live, we have,
Deep in the heart of this color bear.
Human Spirit
the highest achievement
Freedom of the people
freedom of opinion,
Freedom of the things
Freedom only for yourself.
Again, I want, I want to. . .
Like blue smoke in the air is lost.
Because, gee that grows - as if flowing.
Because, look, as snow falls than acquiring.

Nothing - not want to get, not to take it, nothing.
But only to a greater silence
Promatnākt, šurpaiziet. And stand farther.
And all have, without obtaining anything.
not know - not yet live
Know - not yet done
Do - do not want.

But to know and do
What he wants -
This is live.
Not to doubt and hesitate, but to act and dare.
greater danger in almost all of us not that our aim is too high
and we lose, but that target is too low and we reach it.
weak, the storm seizing
Met cracks in unfathomable,
But who knows how to fly with him,
It makes them even higher into the air.
Do not give up my dream. There are so many ways to break your heart. There are hundreds of stories of love broken hearts. But what really can break your heart, is the abandonment of the dream - no matter what that dream was.

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