How much light on the road
Through which we must go. . .
Let\'s go
Receive and shine,
And to give. Saturiņicīts>
My own path has bee skrejams,
My own white sky,
Its own way is the sun go
My own father\'s sock. . . Saturiņicīts>
I have come to say goodbye.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow will be on the road.
This is the last time -
mouth in the heavens draws. Saturiņicīts>
For a candlestick
you get laid,
If you are a bright,
then all
light providing
It is not yet over.
Only in the morning is a lilac flavor
And the white mist
Lying white apple blossoms.
I leave all that I have here,
Because it is not the key.
And those who know what is the way -
They will forgive me. Saturiņicīts>
I get all -
the devil and the good,
I get all -
heinous and saints,
and hate me
and love to get,
and nothing better
I can not wish yourself.
I get -
Low fall and fly high,
and leave all
not being able to, but to be able to
through the hot youth
to death in cold,
and nothing better
I can not wish yourself. Saturiņicīts>
Human happiness is in his own hands. A strange similarity.
God created people and left over clay Pikucis:\'\' What do I have relatives?\'\' He asked. \'\' Show me\'\' Fortunately, the man replied. God thought, thought and put the clay Pikucis human hands.
Everything depends on us, and the key is to relentlessly improve themselves. Saturiņicīts>
One should remember:
Last but not least
the overthrow. Saturiņicīts>
I am one. I have umpteen.
Its free light, which is no longer red.
I do not know whether the church or house
or maybe I am a light desert outside.
This is another type of unusual coming
and presented himself big and neapjaušams.
Since the days already now everything is different.
Everything comes the same. Not izcīnāms not laužams.
I am one. I have umpteen.
I counted, and came to the One.
You can check out: there\'s my house
and my count yesterday. Saturiņicīts>
. . . every day is a precious gift, unless that is assessed by this date you provide. And if so, is waiting for you, another a priceless gift. Tomorrow. Saturiņicīts>
learn from the trees dance
they really know how to
itself all rely wind
not to return only the root
crown curved crown-century
green silver and gold
and with every tiny fiber
winds expected as a member
when glaužams let glauž
you have to break the laužams
only the roots not to return
vast universe, where power and rupture
Top, exhaust and dust spontaneous grazing -
It is my family, my family is my
Springboard. Saturiņicīts>
Desire is the ticket to new adventures, and it always brings both new challenges and changes. . .
If you know what you want, and you allow yourself to get it, enjoy the joy and power, which is your proof of identity. Saturiņicīts>
motion continued
Falls short brown clay seed,
and I will continue it,
propelling one root each other on,
and they want me to continue,
and green sprout from the earth to pass,
and I will continue it,
and stunning flower izzied,
and I will continue it,
and brown bee comes after the honey,
and I will continue it,
and melting of ice in the hearts of honey,
and I should very much like to continue,
control over the conductor\'s hand,
and I will continue it,
rustles song sound reaches the ear should be
and I will continue it,
nemūžīgā and penetrates the heart,
but for me it will continue. Saturiņicīts>
moments ran and reads,
While hourly years carried away,
You will suffer no shortage of power bread,
In life, that goes to the star,
Never neizskan. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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