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Page : 309
To become a successful man, there is no need at all to look at life as a journey. Better to have seen every day as a wonderful gift from God.
white birds skip my window
and the white winds handle tops
I watched a young age in their
As the blue lake.
All blue and green hills,
Flowers are blooming by the wayside.
happiness to you later
As the flower bud
You can only blossom.
not one that can not,
If you are - then be able to!
Although exhausted palms Sea,
Although the severity of the ground lifted.
There is no one that can not,
If you are - then be able
Each day has its own miracle. So shall the blessing of their work and create small works of art today!
Tomorrow will be created to give you more.
Vej wind full air
Sun has come ashore
more miracles you perform
can not yet be different.
Joy arises when you realize that life forms on your terms.
to always, always have something in the world that want to learn what you want to do, a place y
Nolīkst fairy
Our souls to explore
That he would also
All matter
To be blessed,
That this moment of authenticity done.
you are, how at this moment! neatliec!
Not you will save, who will be
Not a bijums.
And nelielies with seeds - are a flower!
And the flower is today -
its true.
against all existing attiecieties with grace: may every word be peaceful, kind and sensitive to your every action to reduce the bad and maximize the good.
The velvety and white bark
Yesterday I was hoping to stay,
But the road to me iezagās -
And this way I fitted.
From the ground up wings of birds and bears,
With the smell of flowers rises from the world,
Wind surfing the sky field expansion,
Sea sun brings his clarity,
But our feet never land wall.

amber seekers
Marine Zvirgzde
laden coast.
And yearn
and strive
All his life
the are.

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Page : 309
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