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Page : 307
you, youth, nereibs from a height
You calmly walk over dzelmeņa,
It pārstiepusi the bridge
Own golden hair.
mostošā My land, I,
today was born,
modo it when you wake up.

All alone, in a galaxy -
can not you be my province
because there can be the province - the heart.

My mostošā land, you get up and mine
wings stretched from horizon horizon.
to your heart, where so many feel
Love this land nenobeidz
And the world you will always be
Like a flower, which opens for the first time.
If that is victorious, then this moment, right here,
This has just possible stem grain.
Everything can be achieved - while still staring eyes.
Everything possible - before it is called on behalf of.
you to always go through it
In this life, defeating the whole,
And his head full of thoughts swarm,
The sun high lifting
I\'m not the mayor, not you\'re the mayor.
Mayor - the star to which you will open your eyes.
Courage to withstand
Courage in yourself to sow
Abilities, pašiespēju
bravely face their
hold back, nenovērsties.
The fact that your light will
encircle the dark - will win.
It is important that we are guided by one goal, although at first glance do not see it. This is not a goal in mind, and spirit.
Dream nepeļat. Dream is the benefactor of all: a dream i blind see, deaf hear i i sērdzīgais is healthy. Only one fault - not the dream life. But if you allow the whale dream - he has turned into their own lives and make it good.
If you want others to be happy,
\'re compassionate.
If you want to be happy yourself,
\'re compassionate.
Go through the land and see
The moment when you need
When you\'re indispensable -
As the water in the air, like a house.
life promises intense suffering and joy, but it alone is worth.
more sense than the word it can be said
Want more than to be carried out
Understand more than the mind be allowed,
White legs every morning allow.
I am learning about grass
and I am still in the tree to be.
Look, how beautiful
Wood autumn feel
life has no solution.
There are only forces and their development. These forces are created, and the solutions to follow.

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