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Page : 306
All I have enough,
I have to dig deep:
my white day,
my black night.

Much of my whale,
High my castle:
Land around the green,
pair of sky blue.
All our life happiness is formed of a tiny particles - from small, viable memory of a kiss and a smile awards from the glances and praise from the heart that had fallen.
. . . when the people themselves bear the light of the radiation passes. Then we went around in the dark together, know each other and we do not need no touch by hand next to the pedestrian facial features, not to break each other\'s heart.
Maybe you also, in other words,
After the rapid rhythms to stop the rampage,
In a different life barb seems to
When we receive thirty shut.

There are those who dream small boat without masts
Lying here and there sunk along the coast,
Because time is that - even proud ship
It is a whack of the pavement life.

Life goes sour or were so hard,
Tak safely handle the corner-year
And Zēģele where cleaner air,
Where perhaps waiting for the money bag!

As a suit - unless you will break even, -
For a further thirty-ace,
What fate throw on the table,
To make life sweet again.
without irradiation joy
Through life, I do not want to go,
While light strēlīti details
Take yourself out of me!
There I go,
I have laughed,
yet I see.

I still bright
fire burned.

Still I\'m going
I have laughed,
I still shines,

Darkness rampart
sunny side
across the slide.

Still I hear
I have flowers
I still smile -

To the ground -
black earth
autumn harvest expectations.
to go in May,
Noreibst flower meadows!
Many nights in May
Life was short.
More expensive than me
Frost affected maple,
The long star shine
Autumn sky.
\'m running every day to live
light, the dew it knows how -
quenching over a pedestrian,
watered thirsting!

Every day, everyday life,
nečīkstot that it is difficult.
Joy fledgling details
lodge in the chest.

Every day, everyday life,
but without a working dress.
A colorless, gray and gloomy, -
or just so I worth?

Every day, everyday outfit
bright and silvered -
in this life, where so little of the silvered.
flowering time
this spring
and my beautiful youth -
you also.
Each bud takes time, sun, air and moisture to flourish and bear seeds. It is also our own desires by force can not be implemented. Persistence and patience crowned the work tough and also helps to grow a small garden of colorful roses.
What I wanted to give up on you today:
To each his own happiness to be found
Your friends should meet the same for each,
Each jāsasalst himself and jāapsnieg,
Every March the same sun jāatkūst
And the apple from the fruit weight jānolūst.
Each jārūgst himself until the yeast -
Just so the people we grow up.
He who wants to please people
is a pleasure to carry himself.
He who wants the world to bring the heat
is carried inside the fire.
He who wants to help,
must be filled with love.
He who on earth wants to achieve peace,
needs to find peace in your heart.
To express love for fatherland we fit the source of the strength and atspirgums drawn to the forces weary of hardship.
Every morning is a new thirst
Understand more deeply. Kairāk love.
Extend the above. Get more.
green white-haired young adulthood to say?
- Lead the life that is at say:\'\' Vila!\'\'
How to achieve it? - It is first and foremost commandment
And visupēdējais - is just\'\' love\'\'.

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