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Page : 305
large enthuses need long
Dark chest pain,
Prior to izzaro out
Small, light song.
be patient, bearing
His righteous or wicked part!
The spirit of the underground
Carries a green sheet.
once as the world learned
As broad as karaļvalstība -
So at a young age.
If there is no star that gives light,
Can a world without flowers and without the sounds to be -
To put the whole glory and spangle
May be small, detailed cilvēkbērna heart,
If she feels happy.
A good heart is the beginning,
A good heart is all beigums,
More people can not reach.
that enables it, what they want is really a happy man
But as the wise is what it wants, what it can do.
One moment of laughter when you are defeated,
Surpassed himself with the vigor of life,
Another second, when you find a way
This creature, which to my mind.
This life is like a swing
To build up and now bearing down
This life is like a swing
I come and go away immediately. . .
summer I drink the milk just milked,
And I bent rasainas quiet foot touches
But a spider weave a white thread
So homogenized that wonder how it can be.
Heart - fine on the web
Spirit - all the winds.
How flickers dust
Another approach,
Sometimes the unthinkable happens:
In the morning, wake up in gilded
And the mirror and opened its icon.
Go out into the shining
And, even if believed,
If you absolutely would not believe
Hear angel wings švīkstam.
Each Day - The Key of Joy,
Each stem - Morning of Hope,
For you see - Even the smallest animal
God\'s miracle of life is twisted.
the ground distracts eyes
Sky takes himself.
Over Pārdaugava
swifts article
a selection of words to you.
blue stars at night are falling
so my days are falling.
And my life - star mirgojums
between the evening and tomorrow.
. . . But the heart of someone sitting
And quietly whistle.
The warm meldijām
Melts all the snow.
In the heart of someone sitting -
And this is the word - joy.

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