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Page : 303
And that year, a whole lap,
As meadow flowers in vases glow time,
Both bitterness and joy of every concealed,
But it has been necessary for the heart.
To feel, how beautiful life is, however,
Where is the nurse can be
It is a silver comb-minute gathering,
What neapsūb winds and disappear!
wait the least;
Of self gives each the best -
Then will live their lives the prettiest.
[ Wishes ]
Take off your narrow\'\' I\'\'
Have a Heart top beautiful, spacious,
Unselfishness other offers
What\'s good for your own.
[ Wishes ]
Without vanity of silly self-
Go over the quiet, practice, and total
They are gifts that fate has given you, -
So long as the person grows and a complete top.
[ Wishes ]
As your flower I will smile sun flower
As bee graceful scent noreibdams,
And all the lūgsma I what I sing to you,
When the spirit of my love and full of God\'s house.
[ Wishes ]
hundred new idea of ​​giving one moment.
Able to include all life one moment.
A thousand moments of almost every day -
Do you see how rich you are?
[ Wishes ]
Sunlight, happy days
You have to track the life;
Dark days, dark shadows -
Lifetime road edge.
[ Wishes ]
Nothing so good and not excellent,
As when, without an assistant and the foot is stationary.
[ Wishes ]
SAULĪTES dear, the sun in favor of
The only one who does not know how to hate;
Shine, shine in the hearts of anything at all in nature -
Darkness to wander away evil
[ Wishes ]
Honey bees be obtained with patience,
Clay, and needs to work and soul.
And to scan, there - a great love.
[ Wishes ]
Can you tolerate heavy tion of life,
That life does not take as the most enjoyment
If you live views of the task.
[ Wishes ]
What you\'ve got the heart silently prayed
Hour of life sacred,
The sky to the friendly copper
Gives you his full
[ Wishes ]
Nelipt at the low expectations
Life of the great neatstāties,
To manage that through fate difficulties
Husband as a man can rūdīties.

Spare no date was,
Day in the ears, neniecināt,
Listen to the wisdom of age,
New sorrows know counsel.
[ Wishes ]
mirdzīgais brightness, eyes bound,
This life has shown us the value of exercise:
Has the property that shines, yet timeless beauty:
It wisely and looking krādams yourself a year.
[ Wishes ]
towards infinity
soul singing and thrives as a bell -
infinite, unknown?
At midnight a greeting to my
[ Wishes ]

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Page : 303
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