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better to be first with ugly women
laterally over hundreds of the beautiful.
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The board is not always fun.
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No one can prevent the death of the condemned.
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Children Who do not love, Become a
Adults Who can not love.
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enthusiasm of youth everyday bread,
but skepticism - NORMAL aging wine.
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eat bread without hope means to die slowly of starvation.
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man looks to the future through its past.
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He who overcomes obstacles, usually
forget the difficulties and accidents, which at first struck him.
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Atzīdamies his weakness, man becomes strong.
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Conditions vary, principles - never.
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man who does not follow their vocation, is unhappy, he becomes sullen and sad, he will suffer, but suffering is the root of evil.
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be always healthy and young, and to feel that the strength of the edges go behind plenty of strength to cry, the force behind the profusion Laugh. And the stars Dancing on the floor, the ceiling of the sun And sing magonīšu bed of roses And make paladziņu present. Wake up in the morning, followed by the chance to run barefoot in the garden. Be always healthy and young, and to feel that same heart still in bloom!
To thy hands should always have something to do
To your wallet is always a couple of coins.
The sun always shine on your window,
For the rain is always followed by rainbow
Friend to always stretch a helping hand
And that God will fulfill your heart with joy.
joyous day - bird song,
Cold - fire flame
A good night\'s sleep - the murmur of the sea,
Great thirst - sip the dew,
A hot day - slow wind,
Fatigue - a cool shadow,
Sadness - pūpolmīkstu pat,
Empty at times - brīnumstāstu,
Dark night - star case
Heart of love - a warm place!
most important

You jump and iekliedzies
But because once Shame
In the joy of all pasmiesies
Your a joke and will have succeeded in

And yet, when someone laughed
Then he must learn to live
In life everything has to be achieved
Even as the tears of laughter!

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