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Page : 298
blooms in the lake between the trees the moon shadows
you pick up your mouth and slowly alkanes

as normal and full-day care
by SWEET FLAG CALAMUS dzelmēm pārkaituša wall

sounding voice
no sound, but the lip corners three
the luxurious life of the unjust and short
For every hour thank God,
On one breath,
For each day of life.
And if the pain is so me,
For every hour thank God,
What did he make me live.
I would be delighted to go,
How to go streams will disappear. . .
as easily,
so that the laughter,
tiny laughter.

So that Vēsmiņš,
viegliņas breath,
comes the same
and go by themselves.

The will to touch
easily and gently.
Do not tell me that
hard times!

Tap slowly,
quietly, quietly -
the world will stop
moment in a while.

World like
the easy-going.
Put me
tilting arm a bit!
You can cry, you laugh -
I have a horse that sings at night!

Sounds song does not,
the name of the song does not,
the same songs are not,
the same horse

However, life goes better,
with horse
who sings at night. . .

- Good morning,
either good morning,

But I like thirst,
but as the pain -
now it just turns and turns
and epigastric ready press!. . .

- What the tummy wants!

- Want, māmulīt, wants!
Tummy want candy!

Ladybug heaves both this and the
I do not want to dress - either neparko!
Dress drag! Hands brought so high!
Better to have rub the knee with the palm.
Ladybug forehead and ladies were rauc:
- Throughout the button, the button so much!

I have small fingers!
Buttons and cut with a knife! -

Ladybug heaves this and that -
I do not want to dress - either neparko!

But -
brother, Pat? dressed in field
with members of these Marita shout

- Hey, ladybug, as will
if you catch us!. . .
small wood choppers song

We are mothers reserves
either real working backup.

We saw singing and ax knocking noise,
klaudzēt either knocking noise,
Skil is jāsaskalda much.

Not saw heavy ax is heavy,
not heavy,
where the boys work husband nags!

If the boys next job joy
Yes, working pleasure
or when the life of something subtle!

We are working backup,
either real-life reserves.
story of a giraffe

Well it\'s obvious since yesterday:
we need to giraffes.

We do not want much,
we have enough with one.

But -
neck alone already
suitable for ship masts!
And not to mention body,
four legs and tail!

Where to put the
where you put a giraffe!
We thoughtfully occipital kasām.

Not eat,
not drink,
no games go,
and asking each other:
- Where to put a giraffe!
- There will be a small apartment here.
If the head is inside,
where the body will remain,
four legs and tail! -

We bog pools are very quiet,
very slowly,
and only half of the evening
one is called:
- Boys,
picks a hole in the floor!
- Here\'s an invention!
- Immediately place rasta!
- And the giraffe\'s head will be with us,
but the ground floor -
a living body,
four legs and tail. -
And then -
the saw and ax-looking views. . .
But -
by, through,
where is the giraffe itself!

One shoe aizdurvē -
I wonder where the other!
One sock pillow -
I wonder where the other!

Books, skirts -
all higgledy-piggledy,
note pads, pants,
postage, skates,
pencils, knife -
all higgledy-piggledy!

What is it about boys,
who lie there and snore!
That there is a Lie!
The issue.

- Face. Joist -
Vija read.
Small finger glides across the page.

- Beam. . . Commission. . .
As there was! -
Drop in on the cheek glow. . .

But the power
the roaches in Ireland:
- No,
no more crying go!
be able to

Must be able to read! Not a good way -
not know if the letter of the book!
Can then occur as Andrew,
the previous evening after the bread had to go to. . .

Signs could not saburtot -
could not read, speak as friends.
Went into a store -
truth, -
many were there to watch.

Suddenly, one requires:
- How can we be, -
please you or a beard, a young man to shave! -
Well, he only sees - the plague -
He had entered the barber shop. . .
song about the lazy Jānīti

Monday Jānītim leg pain -
or, or! -
leg pain.
On Tuesday the head had dizziness bad -
or, or! -
dizziness bad.
Wednesday epigastric thrown stitch -
or, or! -
thrown stitch.
Thursday Jānītim hurt the hair -
or, or! -
hair hurt.
On Friday, beating twelve teeth -
or, or! -
twelve teeth.
Saturday abdominal procedures and spun -
or, or! -
dure and spun.

Only on Sunday had a whole Jānītis -
hey, hey! -
Sunday had a whole.

Valdis, Klavins, Niklāviņš -
a boy called it,
mother coat he is mashed
and forehead and uncle rauc.

He does not know how to arrange the bed itself,
He can not even be in his pants. . .
You think:
he knows how to wash your mouth
or property at the site to make!
Valdis, Klavins, Niklāviņš -
do not know anything!
And when the school ierodas he, -
almost be fed with a spoon!

But when the ice is expected to
the will of the wind and run, -
mother of the guy until he
skate at the feet of a sieve. . .

Valdis, Klavins, Niklāviņš -
such as an old man he lives.

Hey, Hey!

And atspurdz of the fence,
beak sit by the window
Tit yellow shawl
and says:
- Hey, Hey!
I feed the spleen,
Feed me weak!
Where my true
where the house!
Or to go for your sake and the fence!
Is opening a window!
Hey, Hey! -
But tomcat at palodas pieplacis, as money,
or almost crying:
Na-Na-meow, meow!

Well just grabs it and the cake, and she gets. . .
Well finished Rockefeller!. . .
song about chickens

The old rooster, tis, either RUN,
thousand chickens run from the barn!
Leak, leak,
leaks, leaks!
Thousand of chickens running and crying,
\'\' Where is the great barleycorn!\'\'
Leak, leak,
leaks, leaks!
Chicks grow, the chickens will become,
and then there will know us!
Leak, leak,
leaks, leaks!
Collective farmers will say:\'\' Well, the yeast! What kind of chickens on the farm growing up!\'\'
Leak, leak,
leaks, leaks!
The old rooster, tis, either RUN,
Our chickens run from the barn!

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