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Page : 297
Everything is a joke, the laugh of all,
Let the other cries and moans,
If you are good - pakavējies,
And if not - Laid off.

Laid off on the other edges
Rancidity in one place soon,
Or to the other end of the world,
By themselves the pleasures found.

If you do not have money, short wings,
Sleep where the fate of the wall,
Waiting for death, paradise,
Stay low and crawling into the hole.
world\'s most beautiful berries

Vis the world\'s most beautiful berries
Complete this fall rowan twigs.
The world\'s most beautiful berries
Eat crow and starling flocks.

The world\'s most beautiful berries
The sole ground that they are bitter,
Severe, red trusses
Swinging unplucked.

I have only one heart itself,
One bottle of wine rowan,
And how little it can fill,
This is what we all know.

I have only one heart itself,
But but you also have hearts!
Then tear off all rowanberries
And they all winter you will hear.

But when a quiet evening cicada sings,
Pass the moon red horns.
Mountain ash and red blossoms at midnight,
Heavy clusters of berries.

The most beautiful fruits in the world,
Fall asleep at night I have.
And the first snow and tears pouring,
As red tears in the snow.

And if by some pavārtē
After iniquities stink,
Call: I only have one heart!
Call and you will hear.

For you less sad and silent,
Have a sometimes netrīcētu shoulder, -
I thee a present of the Riga roof
Believe me, he is very old.

Out of our century, but the last year.
Watch for the green moss stīdz.
Small canopies are not his children-
Pārskatoties does not take them up.

Look how light and reading,
Forgetting how many times had to grieve
Sunset colors assigned
It is as if fortune kept the old roof,

Fearing that it may fall and break,
Look at it, and come closer to-
Is he lost or sad thing aplīst,
It is presented to you forever.

Life does not like when too many are sad
Also, if a bad scars heal
Also, if we are all under one roof
Let\'s just when outdoors rain.

You came to him in
And wanted to say that they love,
But stop blushing
And asked quietly - what now?

He looked and felt
How much you give him a lovely and expensive
He wanted to say - my stay!
But perplexed, said - pusdesmit.

Thank you embarrassed,
And apgriezies slowly and went,
He wanted to call your name,
But you already closed the door.

He said the morning - good afternoon,
And went around the world.
You klīdāt long lonely,
And satikāties already gray.
girl from my class.

There are overgrown trails, sight itself -
Held each spring, new grass digs,
But the guy who once you met
I guess I\'ll be a little jealous. . .

Not because we often views mijām
And now almost nepārmainām them -
No, the two paths often turn away,
Distance to the other would experience.

Not because of the Gauja meadows,
When high water mist descends weave,
I went, feeling your hand in your
And fear. . . you kiss.

No, at that time neliesmoja chest pain,
Some kind of anxiety, something strange had \'
In parted, and in no pain
These days driving the sun neapvij.

But now here - life on the big tracks -
For me, remembering you, warm moments will be
You\'re a girl from my class,
Although the bell has long been the class nesauks us.

And all life - her, you, me -
Where needed, put friends.
We were quiet school corridor calls
From such tālēm nesasauks together.

Well, come! No. . . you will realize itself -
Soon our back hall digs ditches
And to the guy that once you will meet
I did then - I am jealous.

On this earth,
of these mountain birch
I neaizvilinās no:
here, where the loamy Lemesos
Autumn morning frost
it is as stubborn Hedgehog
through Brien,
here me your pain,
here I have my joy
Set beneath each birch allowed;
here my children growing up,
tough and slow-growing
Whereas the sandy ground rye grain;
until a chunk of rye
give me your strength,
Daugava while talking to me,
while still at the sky I seek,
while the forest meadow
In another small moments of happiness, -
I am a daughter of this land,
I belong to his mother,
tempted elsewhere
Me nothing.
Over midnight weave Midsummer bonfires. Bonfires and flowers - all ablaze, as fern I\'ll see you in the hands, green ash, I\'m burnt. And meadow as green ash sail in a white fog swell to roam, I will forward to your lips and rose sailing song echoes. Without rebirth would be difficult to live, every birthday is the new dream. Already knocking sunrise sky panes. What a strong midsummer night - nesagums life, this country back under the palms of us, I am home on your lips feel.
Tap the ground, the ground is white.
Land is a white, a moment ago had green.
Give your heat will again be green.
Remember, remember, remember - your part is green.
Remember, remember - everything in your open.

Hail is hail, frost is a frost,
Mist is a mist over all so far.

On a hill fire courses
Where we ziemosim this summer?

How can you think of how much weight,
How much weight a bonfire?
What can you, icicle, icicle, do,
When you, the sun īlentiņš durs?

Hail is hail, frost is a frost,
Mist is a mist over all so far.

So how will fire on every hill,
So we shall live also.
sun flowers
sun flower
sun flower

So you go
where you will;
most beautiful trip

I told a friend of a man
that many around the world floated,
The desert yellow cushion
Often waited in the morning. . .

Sometimes under the palm fans
drinking southern glow
And dog-sleigh seat
Interfere over the icy dzelmēm.

But when he was asked to tell
of its most beautiful way,
He gave a brief answer now,
Every word of the soul dataspace: extracting:

- To the world\'s droning highways
Long, long I\'m gone,
But beautiful and a favorite for all those
Is the path that leads back home.
Every drop of blood

Black white birch stands coat
How to make the holidays go,
Standing in my native land birches,
The roots of a dog\'s silence sings.

Among nārbuļu and heather flowers
Around the mushroom dry fly SiC
And the air smells like in the past,
Oh, the smell coming up the longest!

And I bow respectfully,
I am rubbing against the bow,
And will the name of love
The dvēsles rewrite the bark.

And uzbango every drop of blood
Against the homeland tenderness capabilities,
And, silk skirts čaukstinādams,
Over the ends of the tree ran wind.
as snow mountain tops

As snow mountain tops -
For ever we would be white.

Before the sun comes in they
Pink and gold blāzmojas.

When the bottom is covered with heavy chair
They also glow nenostāj.

Although they are often in the south
Gaist blue-white sky.

Soon, however, the fog will
And - they will reflect the sun.

As snow mountain tops -
For ever we would be white.

Oh, star of the long, slow kind,
You - ever unfading flower
Above yellowish cloud,
When forests across the sunset off!

How many thousand eyes of night, quietly,
When her desperate ardor,
You\'re not already shining
And cikām nespīdēsi yet?

How many thousands of heart resonates with
You, teaching to suffer pain,
Although the same spark as you have,
What riņķodama dark dziest
Svilpojama song

With a star in your pocket
walking through life,
and not stop damaging
no fate so dismal,
a Moonbeam
where the flowers always face,
branches of the soul
the cherry bush.

With joy in your pocket
walking through life,
then not see
will see shortly,
then realize
gājuputnu shouts
why make the heart
get up in the sky.

A long, long time still to

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