and that I can make?
deep down, I sing
in embracing him as a snail
beans are colorful flowers
I am proud horns izsliešu
the mouth perfectly safe
the flower I bučošu
and other neatdošu
and that I can make it?
now nothing that can be tomorrow
are some of timeless things
remaining in the corruptible
(Such as youth, friendship, love) is gone.
However - there are a few of eternal things, which remain
(As, for example) grasshopper leap from your hands, wind thy hair, and how you turned a blind eye in the sun invariably slow and gentle, and he wants to protect yourself from the sun.
There are a few of eternal things. Saturiņicīts>
I look after the summer
Bypass the table
I manage to draw
Now the sun -
Desperate not to commit
Hold on
to a life
which is the only viable
vibration Cīrulis
Ziegel painful sound
the bud
When all churches at noon, you will remain
sky furrowed
face and swans feet in the clouds, th same,
down the mouse will give us.
When the fog, and darkness covered bridges, you remain
even wrist, who sees everything,
and whisper across the sea, road to find the
swans fly to the sun.
When all the churches at noon, you remain
sky furrowed
face, and just before dark, when the rupture
Heart and across the city will sparkle. Saturiņicīts>
One word of love
I have to put your lips closed,
Nemodina, do not touch
Them with your hot breath.
Only three short dreams,
One word of love
Give, not love itself. Saturiņicīts>
From one glance
I became so easy!
From one sweet word
Everything sounds clear distance.
Nothing is too tough,
I miss the earth.
I feel the wings at the shoulders
And kiss the sky. Saturiņicīts>
At least the sun. If you have not just decided not to get. Nothing you do not. No nothing. And will not. Not what to pray. Poverty. But - at least the sun. Even a simple reason.
Just as a. Winter and summer, spring also. My brethren and say it. Solar Brothers. Sword is a sword. Step Brothers - his party. Asinsbrāļi fighting for his father\'s legacy. We are brothers sun.
Asks: what we have. At least the sun!
So alone. One in all. One for all.
And if you think about it - for our sakes.
Something, however. At least the sun.
At least. Generally have little. Count for yourself!
Yes, but forgot to say. It is not a spoon.
It is not one apple tree. Herring is not the one - one sun! Sun! Starts a new series of numbers. Far have not been. To one. To at least one sun.
At least. Saturiņicīts>
re, the sun is shining!
Learn the sun, the Beetle!
Re the lapel, green and copper,
inside and out!
Skuja nedur
then, not shaving the gas.
re, the sun is shining!
Learn the sun
solar tree
Izspraukusies through
Another one-year range
Gradually approached the light,
Approached the sun tree.
Gradually entering the fruit
And to the middle of morning,
Allows you to swallow
Fly to sing at the other.
And when you hear the saying:
\'\' She is silent. . . \'\' -
Do not believe! Solar Tree
I\'ll be surrounded. Saturiņicīts>
morning dew
As a small tit
huge oak tree
It is neither too large
is not small
this life
comes out -
if there is a large
then everything comes out great.
blue eyes
is published,
not to himself,
but to their country
If not for another,
it is not the same
comes out -
where the heart is
good light,
then all dear
morning dew
As a small tit
huge oak tree
published. Saturiņicīts>
It will illuminate the life,
When light falls felt.
Feel yourself as forehead ornaments,
Who lost the grass shines.
I am standing in a large forest,
Where tree branches light sauce
And rays fall, shadows passing,
Here the light is even more worthwhile.
The moss lay prostrate before I wake up,
And cones and moss com
And asked me to nepieceļos,
For someone asks about them light.
Among the small light landings -
Since my voice or other sounds?
\'\' Let them illuminate the life!\'\'
\'\' Give illuminate the life of me!\'\' Saturiņicīts>
Autumn, you are gentle with me!
Autumn, the time bitter rowan,
Autumn, be gentle with me!
Friendly entwined around my forehead
His sunny September peace,
Water lily, which plaukušas glow,
Gently deposited into the lake bottom,
Let me vivid as the red maple
Spoguļoties your clarity.
Autumn, the bitter rowan time
Autumn, be gentle with me!
Enjoyment of others, I waited a long time,
Hours as against the current wolf Struga,
Sand had a dry and hot as ash,
Abraded sore shoulders and wrist,
Now, when the cranes fly south,
Day light come towards me, and light.
Autumn, the bitter rowan time
Autumn, be gentle with me!
Let me smiling puddles along the pass,
Think good and do good,
Let me with a firm hand and a cool
Reckless lapkritim head noglaust
And once again larks calls
Your air then leaves me. Saturiņicīts>
now I\'m so bright
me great happiness is wrong
and do not know - why
now everything is mentioned
the icicle that falls
the well bucket shines
slowly across the field as
re, blue spruce Brien
where the tree is unlikely to go
I Vera eyes closed
but everything remains the same
white, white subdued
growing inside me someone
white wood or white one plant
as if I come across
the white book cover
no subject without the
and the book
everything clean and pure
and has not yet been called on behalf of
now I\'m so bright
me great happiness is wrong
and do not know - why
Everything is mentioned
you free. Look, the wind is open,
Dog exempted from the barks of joy.
And the world as zive green
Flying through my retina.
Where is it, by the way I drive?
Not down on hatred, not a mountain grin.
I myself slowly spread out.
And slowly melt the lead.
And I will not give up, not fighting,
Not what I ask of the world.
As the lead melted, I spread out.
To win me a new pour. Saturiņicīts>
Willow, Gauja inlets friend
how are you slender and delicate!
Thy velvet pūpoli
The first sip of honey bees.
Pali rushed over to you,
ice pink bark is digested.
But the roots of shoots
brought back green heads.
Instead of gold dust,
you are my hair rot,
Your tenacity root
successor will be. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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