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Page : 294
come labuprāt come mīļuprāt
we will go down
the frogs sing a song
ducks with dance dance
Come labuprāt come mīļuprāt
Come varžuprāt come pīļuprāt
around the feet of aquatic weed
around the head in the sky TĀLES

Come sit in my boat
as shallow fruit segments
Come midnight sun spīgoties
and placed on the roots and rock
where a great tree that area
we own so many wet

Come labuprāt come mīļuprāt
come to your concerns within Drowning
Happy Coast

Another pain is not all,
Another burning bitterness,
But the sunny side
I see the sea.

Heart, Better coverage of the depths,
Who ran over gāzmas,
And love, love
These joyful gusts.

You have to rid the world,
Where waves columns
And with a loud voice
Laughs like an eternity.

This fall severity,
Here sorrow sink -
For sea trails
Bloom in my feet.
you Give your grief. Note.
My wish for present and Cover letter:
here you will be sunsets and blizzards, and anxiety
and perch, which retain my eyelid.

It is your heart as dry land greedily absorb
and flower izdiedzēs the black sand across.
August Man opposites as far taught you,

brings joy and sadness. That is my secret.
the forest path wound Puša
cool rain wind power dzīs
Lake in the eyes of us sleeping
still spreads its wings

It is most unlikely to be
but it has been
even distant shores we now
will fingertips atraisījies
once and for all flight

even cured even fragmentation of malta
we scent a different life
Now therefore be
and either the white
the black man is taking off to come
I believe that is the sky,
Where children live in happiness,
Where the sun is much brighter
And mīlīgāki shines.
I believe that there are miracles,
That comes unexpectedly
And the pretty dream world
Around him begins to lead.
I believe that there is happiness,
What the holy flames glow;
And if all this were not,
Do we feel the heart?

When the heavenly place
over his head
See for yourself
Deep in adversity,
With hundreds of needles
One hundred places to sew
hope file.
There will be gold
Goldfish coast
And will give you
Wonder rose,
What bit of the
your mind
Destiny will
Boat amended.
Asariņu peļķītē
was struck by fragments.
Neba with your kājeli,
but cirīti.

Well both, I think,
It peļķīte kraukstēs.
But - here you either had to!

Only the sky above - and more blue.
Only ačeles forehead - and clearer.
Only mud instead - as unprecedented.
Just my trackway - the silver.
heal foot winds to you
heal grief will give you
you will place the hot hand
something unfamiliar to you
and who had you over the head
noklāsies underfoot you
the darkness around you bursies
stars up to you dursies
fire in the heart kursies you
feet finally heal you
easily you heal grief
I have come to tell
that you all will be well.

and nemāžojos - will be\'\' good\'\' is
empty the bladder,
which we jautrinām

I know -
around you is dark
the hanging,
do not see the outstretched hand.

I have faith in a similar
that everything will be fine.

To me
it came in to tell a ray,
already cut off
your darkness.

Their faith
You have to help him

Nettles to tap,
Do not cry, tap that, -
What drove you
It spread to flower.
Once upon a time the pain will pass,
All the pain will pass,
So should not
No one asked.

To protect you
As self-protecting,
How to protect your ears
From pērkonbalss,
How to protect your eyes
Those who know what - your eyes,
How to protect life,
When it is finished.

Affront to you
What touches all,
Lips to smile
Or hatred prompts
But tēraudaizkars -
This is the whole curtain,
Not through the ball,
Not the smell is.

Where will smell
World without the smell?
What people breathe
What winds bring?
Then the day barge -
Severe load barges
Black, died in the water
Can take on. . .

Nettles to tap,
Do not cry, tap that, -
It is all the nettle
My own strange in May.
If the pain will pass
And in a pass,
Then leave the
Everything else.
And only prayer is the strongest of us,
That only the love will take.
If nothing else - no power, no obligation -
Not raise grain, nor green tree shoot.

But the mere fact that love seeks
On all sides, just your eyes open.
(It will also complain and cry and complain
Because it lacks something in the green land. )

It can not retrieve the power, not hate,
Not true, when due and are asking for.
Not to despair or gracious groan,
But only: stand here amidst green vasām

This early dawn or at midnight - and asks,
And distant scents, sounds together jauksies.
And can not be that far behind a pane
Just as long and full you cite.

Because prayer is the strongest of us,
We do not know how far she shines.
Is power - just a huge fatigue,
And eternal death is what is at war.
, heavy land, as you turned to me
snow flakes!
It is important that before the snow
Land of sounds -
the hurting stop.

Let the earth frozen naked sounds -
you do not understand even the string.
Both, both. Both, both in and
you also sadzirdēsit
the infinite string.

To frost coming, ice sings
and the leaves are falling, falling rejoice!
Look, my heart is completely frozen shut. . .

verse begins.
I believe that life is given,
To him we can find a way.
Where sunny peace we decorate the heart,
As the drug is decorated with sea-coast.

I believe that all the pain
What we should meet in this life,
Brings us many times in the dark because
To shine bright once our joy.

I believe that over hatred
Anyone can get up once sunny -
In every tree in the garden waiting
In the autumn, in spring.
Smile about their grief,
and their bitterness is gone.

Smile on your enemies,
and their sting is no more.

Smile for yourself
and your evil no more.

But if you are able to smile for the world,
then she will smile to you face.

You have enough?
If you can smile about the world,
when she lost -
You have to open another.

Bunny Song

Well now over. . . The first flowers spigot,
And the clover field, the Sun rises. . .
At the winter, you told me you were required
How Ābelīte, which gnaw bark.

At the winter stars had the dog packs,
Which comes closer and is propelled into a white hare.

Gardens and echinoderms conifer branches
Each had ABELITES trunk net.

As green needles, burning sunset. . .
So needles in all gardens muzzle door!
You, only you, nenosietā needles,
You were never there in the winter.

White Moon warped over forests nipple
And Blue Island Versme poured into the ground,
Standing in the snow hare lip broken,
And it seems from the outside, he laughs.

Now in the past. . . Again, flowers spigot,
I am a big and a bit more powerful.
But if through a cold space, the infinite
As dogs barks again stars come?

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