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Page : 293
Pīkšķi - mīkšķi,
līkšķi - mops,
ticking - cikšķi,
crackle - likšķi.
sputtered, Saudi tall, scrublands sort of wind,
Sharp bundles šmaugām akes fiber tear.
Empty šķērsceļš seems sad, strange, dark, horrifying,
Hither criss spray šķīdoņšļakas dissolve.
Sudden Brakski top dark sags šķērž,
Incandescent zibš. . .
love window.
(Clears the fire, otherwise there will be peace!)
Ran with moths? It is still
anticipation, love itself is not accessible.
Far Lielupe deep lying fish tonight. The second
shore waves running to the other side.
We are far from each other. As birch
the southern to the northern branches. What wind
come to carry us along?
We are opposite the barn door.
Walking around the barn and free from drafts.
Unattainable love sleeping under your
House. To reach it, disaggregating the whole house.
YOU LET break down your house, do you noārdīsi the same?
It just seemed as: the moths
ran the love window. It is as simple direct
and close. It is as if we were birds singing and the top.
But love is the root and where the fish are lying deep.
As anticipation runs petals.

Lark heal sun.
Fled through it. Can I take her to

Love comes in sunlight.
Flashing and go along with it. Can I take her
I condemn?
For what?

Life runs around the sun.
Burns and dziest with it.
Do I regret what I?
lover sees it, and my own,
That autumn thrives Kreimenu,
And hear the bells ringing flower
From a distant sun\'s past.

And I, that it may, in you want to
How soft glasshouse go
For you, like a flower in the glow of bits
Floral sweet aizžņaudz eyelids shut.

By spring Infinity
Through days vēstīdama slip
Please note that your first love
I now place the sun shines.


A handful of water,
moment of autumn.

Matos will be provided
white winter delight.

Dungodami thrive on the branches,
quiet breathing spring.

Gorgeous bloom your eyes,
summery floral brawl.

Across all seasons
my hit your hand.
strips clouds caurskrēja opera hall
A single view of your Red dāvājāt through mist
Oh do you need so little - a smile
before midnight.
Strips lips clouds and seagulls
screams ridge.
You, put your hands in prayer as tightly compressed
Medicine in the dark through the midnight snow you
Leave this little heart on his wrist.
Strips clouds, Red!
Opera House
He will uzzīmēs angels green to blue
The girls will dance one

Spring is here.
Glad Heart

I do not deserve
My God, I\'m your prize
But the sunny spring delight
I reibina heart and head.

In the birch trees rustle taught?
Who calls taught to sing?
Well my whole world shine
As a drop of dew - a single flower.

Whence comes this song?
From where the light shines?
Over me willow silver
Branches up to heaven.
phlox bitter sweet-smelling mist.
Falling sheet of glass on the machine.
Farewell glance mashed crane hook.
Name which is no longer neizrunāsi.

How easy it had seeds to sow in May,
within a week see the sprouts,
the flourishing string bud at
bud worth
how easy to promise and believe it!

But aizdomāt rye grain to bread -
winter behind ravines, behind the cavity behind. . .
To stay and develop into, and return will of the community
Autumn painful enlightenment.
I found the lost!
It was a good OF LIFE.
And once again blossomed Street,
And the pocket had \'Verdins redundant
And sang beneath the limes ran
My dusk knight.
learn from trees dancing
they really know how to
itself all rely wind
only not to return the root

built in the curved crown crown
green silver and gold
and with each small fiber
winds expected as a member

when glaužams let glauž
when laužams then to break

only not to return the root
Not another tomorrow!
But help me now, big breath!
When the leaves are falling
Stars rise and fall throughout the room.

There\'s the tops
Freedom is so delicate. . .
There\'s the tops
Maybe it all anyway.

But here I care about,
and help me, big breath!
I am the soul of steaming
And work here so heavy substance,

that I please
something out of your firewood.
There\'s the tops
Freedom is so delicate. . .
heart of lovely small headset -
whispers the
whispers that all of the pain
is just behind the ocean winds
and not worth the refuge -
we decided to find
we just decided on a close
grab behind the back of the neck
from the ground and jerk

whispers -
as it pleases
listen to the word out
and dispersed to steer
more dreamy ocean
something quietly, quietly - as falling
something viegliņām, viegliņām - as far
I Sing you, everything no matter from where, I am so close to you, that definitely hear.
Be closer, but still it is not possible,
I am so close to you, that proximity does not notice -
Everything that exists between us, only connect -
the translucent world can be when you are
when quietly - as the snow falls -
when so viegliņām, viegliņām - as far
memory -
sing the same sad, but will be happy.
what I still want in this world
if every step is no longer say no
if I am surrounded by trusting breath
which is a hundred times more expensive than my own?
by the desire to confused mind
if you open as long wrought plant?
I include rudis I went hard
I never knew a flower
is not easier than a thousand a hair
as the mist falling from the savilguša view
and the only thing the world can give
a sigh of perfume to fly

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