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Page : 289
With face against the wind,
the face
facing the power
Come along, someone called out,
and I\'m going.
Face, as always, against the wind and power.
God, forgive my steps
and not lost!
At that moment, when I go to, wind, and war
stingstošu to face the wind. As the war.
I was born, without knowing the war.
And do everything right.
So I go where walking,
all the flowers will burn your house.
Walk in, of all SMIE, but -
the land loved.

Neplūkšu any flower.
Disregard any before.
This is the span, which are often
The monks of money does not help.

This is the span, which prosper
great in all ways without you
but if the home nepārnākšu,
None of you even nenoskums.

Therefore, as it turns out, I also
is not an excuse to be sad,
I sang more quickly -
traram-General, traram-General!

And, once the top of the hill I will get
and let\'s see - even burn your house
I long to look into.
Other say that SMIE.
But trust,
that there is still loved.
Madara wine

When hard luck stone
bur and a love bizarre miracle -
rainbow curved horn
pour, a friend,
sunny cleaver wine!

And we izbridīsim
every dūkņu and quaking!
And we izstaigāsim
every rainbow!

Moon chrysanthemum
through litter and plant.
Ends of the fingers still dreams thrive.
Life would be returned, which was taken.

Pour into a friend,
yet sunny cleaver wine
delight in small things
small snow flakes falling.
Aizstaigāt to places -
can not see the map.

They are not guides, no plans
only - way there draws present
small flowers in meadows clans
begins to speak to you.

Stuff they have, and trivia.
Passage. And so joyous heart.
Miss aizjāj courtiers,
Bajari of the Finnish sauna.

Total well aware:
All of the big top of the small,
There\'s no time can
Besides working to stay idle.

Small boat on the River Daugava
There is fighting in thick Ledo.
Without the river sion work
None of the sea will not.

And the sun slowly
They do work for the sun,
By Heaven Hill uzraušas
And being at the spring.
As autumn play again!
Soluble in blood and eyelids tremble,
In a pub in the world
The men drink the last beer.
Hays! Ours spring
Maple three crisp sheets,
Let us pray aloud on the opposite bank,
Maybe ferryman notice.
flowers decorated meadows,
Already songs wavy air
Bright green of the mountains and ravines covered:
Present maijmēness heavenly.

And the sun is so sweet, so bright
To clear bruise spreads,
And fern forests so bright,
And joyfully beating human heart.

From the dust out of the smoke
We were blossoms in the spring\'s called;
Sirdsēstiem tip of grief and grim,
Another world so much joy.
I love this world of wrong.
And hate.
But others I did not,
at least I do not know.

I love this noble city,
who plays.
It spoils me,
but nepažēlo.

I love the life of my own.
I have owned so far:
I own loving
crust DADZIS PAGE sharp,
Hang on, mummy, a cradle,
CCR at the window SAULITES!
EU TO PLANT Recorder,
CEPU, CEPU loaf,
Other large, other small.
teaching of the mother, marc Hare \'LECA
NO Guests Guests.
DUN Hollow DARD heaven.
raspberry or STRAWBERRIES,
Blueberry and cranberry
Tereza BER tartan.

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