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Page : 288
Imagine that your public and financial status without any restrictions that can operate in any field. What goals do you raise yourself?
assignment of paper targets, the 1000 percent increase in their financial opportunity.
unshakable self-confidence and self-esteem is based on an outstanding and professional job.
The more work, the more self patiksi and above will increase your self-esteem.
purpose in writing is a dream with a deadline.
not unrealistic goals - there are only unrealistic deadlines.
Learn for life! The more learn the more pelnīsi up and build my self-esteem.
completely happy and confident\'d be, just knowing that you\'re a good worker.
What would you assume that, well the performance significantly change your life?
sustainable self-motto:\'\' Be a good, getting better, you\'re the best!\'\'
What you dream? What is your life mission?
work, relationships and Decisions due to the success of your life?
Do it more often!
\'\' a person\'s strength has not yet been explored, and only he knows what really capable of, but also only when it is tried. \'\'
If we act boldly, we will be the winners.
We piesiesim elephant trunk near the tail. Only
Do not be afraid. We can delete the calendar
all the words and write new ones. And wolves
we make for pets, hedgehogs, hares, stirnubukus.
We are coming out of the forest with his brothers boar,
and woodpeckers will be our typesetters. We audzēsim moss
their hair - gray, green and brown reindeer moss.
Hello, black blueberry and cranberry red!
Hello all of you who stuck gum beard!
If we go barefoot on the cones, we will be the winners.
You are smart squirrel, you\'re flying the telegram between the two
treetops. You\'re restless and alive - you will be our flag.
As we go forward, squirrels fluttering over the forest, and when
go out edge of the forest, across the tops of viļņosies squirrels.
We have no exaggerated. Indeed, we are healthier,
and our brothers who live in the forest, we will help them.
We really are the strongest. Our muscles are brown and
mushrooms, and our hearts as a beautiful deer running.
From our eyes when we die, there is amber.
Our mother taught us in the eye just to do good -
nenoskaust, not yellow, not hate. Our fathers have taught
the wolf fist jab in the throat, so that it gets no jaws shut.
All of which barely velkaties, come, we will help you!

I say to you sing! Sing when you are well. But most of all sing, when to get over absurdities. Sing in the eyes of what you Lama. Gavilējiet its supremacy, when you sit. I remember very well. I was a little boy and saw a room windows: neighbor\'s mother beat her son. He stood at the corner of the barn and sang. She clapped and he sang, his piegura, and he sang. Then she lowered her hand and he sang, stroked his shoulder crushed and left singing. Sing crowded trolley (cursed their anger will sing!). And if you pay for singing, then Pay!
Sing when you drink. Sorrow,

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