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Page : 278
Everything is not so long ago

Morning arrives and fear disappear
That night, so inevitably tormented.
They did not let you lose and forget
They cried and asked ...

Asked that I not forgetting that we are able to
Giving false hope that everything would be good
They had hoped so much that nedusmošos and back
Saying that he was IT!

This is the only and best
This moment is visnožēlojamākais
In my mind, time spent together
No longer the cherished

However, he is not for me ...
Everything is not as long in my dream,
It is artificial, however, miraculously.
My mind is only one-
For me, please, forget
[ ]
Between the sky and the stars
As torrential rain caress
Around me apvijies
Is today your smile
Between Debs and the stars
It will stay forever mine
Oh, at dawn it is so sweet

Soon, every day be my
Grow as never before
A short time. . .
Just a little
I will reveal to you:

Every day I lie to you and yourself
See, I live it better than the

I say it is difficult to
And forget the hate
I do better in the mornings
To say that I love

Now and then
O\'pat now
Much better, I said nothing
Every moment of smiles. . .
I know nothing
Nor does it want to know

I\'d rather be with you in silence
Dawn smile

You again for the smiles
Again, I already look forward to
Everything takes place as always
It has been decided
[ ]
pink air flap,
What was once us.
Whisper the words to say
I approach the present

Once again forgotten
By the end nepasacītos
It\'s quiet landing
As the bird was once woke up

They kiss subordinates
And look into your eyes. .
Then something he would
In me fall in love with it
[ ]
once met Prince,
Who looked at me.
That smile so beautifully
And kiss me as

The first, who said:
\"It\'s like when you smile\"
The only one who noticed
It is so beautiful

But once understood,
That dream is to stop immediately
Because I love the prince,
What led me to a new life

Where peace and tranquility will not be
Where Madness and the crisis there will be. . .

But. . .
It will be our paradise
Where will rule as we

What new adventures crave
Honey without freezing
In exactly the missing-
Love that will never disappear. . .
[ ]
Kritīšu. No, I\'m getting up!
Fly. No, I live!
With you where Utah is delicious
Where is the sweet kisses
If there is no need ocean
In addition to Be You!

I enjoy you all
With every second of getting better
I see the secret
With every second of getting better
I Want Where are You
With every second of getting better

Sit. No, I dejošu!
A run. No, I will enjoy!
With you where I guess there is no end
Where we live with passion
If there is no need for palm
In addition to Be You!

[ ]
I look into your eyes
With a smile You kissed shoulders
Yes, I remember, not forget.
I wanted to, but now it does not matter

I caressed you cheek
With sadness in the eyes You found yourself
Yes, I remember, not forget.
I wanted to, but now it does not matter

I fell in love with you
With one of your gaze I became happy
Yes, I forget
I wanted to, but. . . Yes, It is important to tomērir
[ ]

Recall how much miss you
Every morning I wake up and remember
Where the lost nights
What wonders are created, promised. . .
Before I went
With your eyes you said:
I look forward to the dawn
Once the birds wake up and sing
When the sea winds will be called
When the flowers thrive
When the nights will be created once a day
Ever, I look forward to
[ ]
Eternal feeling has taken over me
Be able to fall unconscious. . .
If you only allow it to someone
At a time when faith was lost
You came and kidnapped
For years I did not feel I
What really provides so easy
I am happy at times forgotten, but
Every time when I woke up. . . I understand
It\'s been a dream
From which recall is the moment
But still not near thee
[ ]
like to be!

He loves the world
Like life and existence.
Be individual, be realistic
Internally, a dreamer, but outside fighter.
He loves the land
Like his mother and father
Being childish and capricious
Internally, an infant, but externally hero.
He likes to exist
Like to enjoy and lose
Be the only, to be the best
Internally, the animal, but the external man.
[ ]
Pair of white, black, cross-radio you!
Beautiful as the first ray of the morning
Free as a bird in flight
True as God\'s Existence
Live like a flower
Pair of white, black, cross-radio you!
Stately as a tree
Direct the range
This is how it happened
Born tu-specific
Pair of white, black, cross-radio you!
So unique and unpredictable
So lyrical and emotional
You just enjoy the moment and live
Yes, it\'s really you!
[ ]
It is very important that you feel good. Because of this good feeling is what gives the signal to the universe and begin to attract more good for you. As a result, more and more good things in mind, the more the universe will give you the good events around.
Start each day by getting out of bed with the right foot.
Thoughts send out a magnetic signal, which draws a parallel back to you.
you all will just have to want to be
you prevent the lack of opportunities, it does lack self-confidence.

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