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Page : 277
human soul, in case of ecstasy.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Every job takes longer than you\'re willing to devote.
If there is a risk to one of several things go wrong, it will happen to it, which can cause maximum damage.
If you have covered the four ways in which work can splice wrong, immediately there will be the fifth.
Everything that is left unattended, the poor tend to become terrible.
Whenever you\'re ready to tackle any job, will appear more urgent work.
Every solution creates new problems.
Nothing can not be made safe for fools, because they are amazingly smart.
Dabasmāte is a bitch.
Nature is always wrong.
error always comes to light.
degree of damage to an object is directly proportional to its importance.

How bright dawn
With you alone
Called Love missed
With you help
Oh, again at dawn
See the bitterness in the heart of yours
Felt as my own dear

To forget
Captive found

Here again at dawn
With her alone
The strangest sliegšņa
Sees the sun at dawn
[ ]
at your doorstep

Give me some time-
I wander along your doorstep.
Aizdomāšos of what was
Brīnīšos how strange spring.

I will come to you and will say-
You\'re the one who will be in my future.
Everything will start from scratch,
Just stay be as you were before.

Such a sweet moment, this can be
And has again achieved the desired
I\'ll come, and apstāšos nodomāšu-
Or confusion about me again?

I closed my eyes and fell silent.
How far will I go?!
Everything has long since gone and I\'m ready ...
Just afraid that not be able to explain-
Why I really lie?

So passionate, quiet and pleasant-
I once again have wings.
I am going to your heart-side.
It will not be so hard.
[ ]

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