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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 275
Mother\'s love - or is there a greater force in the world?
Does not every mother\'\' Mater Dolorosa\'\' with seven spears in the heart? What all the world forsaken and condemned, the adopted mother love.
If love is a fire, even the heavenly fire, the spark of divinity prometejiskā, the land dropped, but it is not burning, but the radiators and give light.
Love is like a wavy flame,
Which is always a new jāuzkur,
To ashes plokot, neizdzistu pale.
Valkyrie wants to woo,
It needs to be able to ride through hell.
enough to experience
Need to survive.
It is not enough to survive,
They said they wanted to create.
Need to be able to
Find a connection,
To make a new life.
are able to choose, at the same time can not ask for money and sympathy.
People are divided into two parts: those who sit in prison, and those for whom there should be.
Optimists are the kind of person who atminējumus writes crossword puzzles in ink immediately.
Love is selfishness for two.
Men are jealous of their
predecessors, women - to their successor.
love to be happy, do not be blind, needs only occasional blind eye.
If women dressed to please only one man, they would not do it for so long.
With Love is like a butter: a little coolness - and the freshness lasts longer.
gentleman is a man who neiesit woman, after removing the hat.
The success secrets of the most effective debate losers.

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Page : 275
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