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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

Buy charity greeting cards, and help children in hospitals

Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

Reading room

Here is our little library for a lot of different resources

Feed the children

Help children in poor families with a donation


List of many companies that have supported Eurika charity projects


Donate to help Eurika charity projects


Poems for your greeting cards


Here you can create and send your own E-cards


Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 265
the proposed objectives of clarity is a magnet for good luck.
increase the likelihood of success, if not
moment, not lose faith in success.
Each day start with the words:\'\' I believe that today
will happen to me something wonderful!\'\'
biggest opportunities are often found in everyday situations.
biggest opportunity probably lies to you at their feet.
Perhaps it lies in today\'s workplace, industry, diligence, education, experience or interest.
Happiness comes when the willingness to merge with the option.
develop talent and its application in everyday life, the more likely expect a flash of happiness.
The man with the greatest expertise in the industry,
most likely it will also be the most success.
Extensive knowledge and skills enhance people\'s awareness and capabilities.
of any failure of the fault is based on assumptions. Get courage and test your own.
readiness to allow the possibility of error you will open the way to new opportunities and successful developments that would otherwise go spared.
sense of time is all. Properly run, await your star hours
business failures occur, the tidal wave can carry up to happiness. \'\'
The more energy and enthusiasm in you, the more likely to recognize and expect happiness.
best ideas and deeper insights come after longer rest and relaxation.

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

Page : 265
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