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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

Buy charity greeting cards, and help children in hospitals

Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

Reading room

Here is our little library for a lot of different resources

Feed the children

Help children in poor families with a donation


List of many companies that have supported Eurika charity projects


Donate to help Eurika charity projects


Poems for your greeting cards


Here you can create and send your own E-cards


Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 264
true value of any commodity is that people
are willing to pay in an open, competitive
the existing market opportunities.
The market is always right.
gold specialize determined
product or service provision
and offer it to specific customers.
Then just do your job!
Business failures based on the most common is the focus
each product or service so that it
gaining a competitive market, in terms of
be different and better.
thy have a competitive advantage
reasonable and perspectives - those for which
the market will pay.
transaction success distinguishes specific customer
group identification and solicitation or
product or service
can locate the appropriate niche.
Who is your customer? Where does he or she have? Why did he or she buy?
Success in the market by concentrating only
one group of customers, which can make the
the benefits of your product or service
unique, competitive advantages.
stipulating key customer groups and mērķēdami
to their own efforts, you hold the hands of
return key.
market an outstanding award goes only to outstanding producers,
brilliant brilliant products or services.
Management\'s first task is to discover and develop the area in which the person can be brilliant - areas of excellence.
Each phenomenon may well occur and not be carried out.
In order to increase the opportunity for something to happen, increase the number of events
The more diverse and will try things, the greater the chance of success
The more you k

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

Page : 264
Support Eurika charity projects with a donation , do it here ->
Feel free to view all charity greeting cards here.->