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Page : 252

Not one that can not be.
If it is - then be able to!
Although palms Sea
Although the severity of land
Lifted. -
Not one that can not be.
If it is - then be able to!

/ Andrejs Eglitis /
Away once skumību Mixed dark,
Will conclude at once long for death,
Begin the faith that is life
And then will come the power and will go better.

Dark bruises sparkle stars
Eternal order moves the crowd;
Human destiny bleak waves
There is no damping spirit deities.

A short life span and turns,
Is close together - the cradle of tomb;
However, the weight of every moment,
Life is good, which is good.

Therefore skumību away, woe!
Will work, try, yet I have time;
Revise the past horrible feet,
Happiness will come back, happy to have the cheek.

/ Eduard Veidenbaum /
One is the question -
why and on whose behalf
must you have?

decided by one who believes
that this land better
will not be able to build another.

/ John Peters /
Dods employer are established at all times!
Such is the life principle
[ ]
who you are now,
It has everything that you wanted to be!
[ ]
Life is like a dream,
who dreams of himself!
[ ]
Each event is based on the cause. Each
the cause, effects and consequences of each, some
it or not, has its cause or causes.
No chance.

/ Brian Tracy /
life can get everything you want, if you first
determined to what you want, and then do it,
what others in order to achieve this result.

all causes of a spiritual nature.
Your thoughts turn into reality as they are
routine. You get it, as most think.

/ Brian Tracy /
constantly think about what you really want,
and avoid thinking about what you do not want!
surrounding world is the inner world of material
twin sister. Your main task is to life
mind a mental equivalent of life for some
you dream.
to every last detail imagine what could be
be your ideal life! Keep this thought in mind,
to materialize it around you.
ambient life is the inner world
reflection. There is a direct correlation between
do you thoughts and feelings, on the one hand,
and action, and the world around experience,
from each other.
Relations with other people, health and
status in society is your inner world
Everything which you truly believe, turn into reality.
You do not believe what you see as you see it, having already
have chosen to believe.

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