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Page : 248
Nebēdz of life

Cut your face to the sun
And it will always turn to light,
Then go behind the shadows.
Go its own way of life
And think of the individuals available during
To smooth the shadows you.

The waking dreams of his
And longing for happiness island
You\'re nenokaunies;
And pity the fate of their own,
If dreams are just dreams -
But his soul opened.

The pine needle fine
And autumn of fine web
Scars soul will not sew shut;
If happiness blooming flowers sūriem
As a meadow at the edge of wormwood -
Or search other yet?

So nebēdz of life away
And get over the pain of scars,
Leaving behind the shadows.
And turning your face to the sun
The sun of my soul
You must take the same path. . .

/ Lelde Petraitis /
\"God bless Latvia,
We were \'precious fathers
Oh, bless Latvia,
Oh, Oh, bless it!

Where Latvian daughters bloom,
Where Latvian sons sing,
Let us win there diet,
We \'Latvian! \"
[ Anthem ]
- Grandma, thank you very much for the gift.
- O! You\'re welcome.
- I ALSO think so, but thank mom made.
- Dad at the time the forest was once the sea!
- What you say cute! How do you, Dear son, you understand it?
- You look at how many cans there!
Children talking:
- I found a cabbage. . .
- I saw a stork. . .
- I downloaded from the Internet. . .
parent teacher meeting Janice speaks to parents:
Jānītis not only behaves badly, he still does not preclude a matter of hours.
boy at the dinner table parents angrily asks, \"do not grow winter cabbage, storks do not fly! Then tell me once where I relatives?\"
Mom says:
- If you learn well, we are the dads you buying the bike, but if bad, then the piano.
son asks his mother:
- Mom, what a berry?
- Black currants!
- Why red?
- Because green
mother asks the little beach Little Peter:
- Son, what do you eat there?
Little Peter:
- I do not know, the same atrāpoja. . .
- old lady say to her son, to cease to imitate me!
- Rolandiņ cease to play the fool!
evening darkens, the father of the window is called the yard:
- Janit, or you do not intend to finally come home?
- I think.
- Well, and? . . .
- Dad, you need to think a little more.
- Daddy, tomorrow we will have a small school parents\' meeting.
- What is meant by \"small\"?
- You, me and the director.
- Dad, Dad, you wanted more - a son or daughter?
- In general, I just wanted to have a good time. . .
Song of joy

And if ever stigmatized
And deformable and the trap is,
I sit down and the words
One song of joy.

The pleasure I write myself
For his own pleasure,
And from his song
The very glad I get.

Jo did not need much -
Once a total animal,
To write to please yourself
Song of joy.

And if you too are somehow
This not find redundant -
You can also sing
This song of joy.

On their own, the joy you
And the folk of pleasure.
If he wants to - that others also sings.
Because - where do I redundant?

/ Imants Ziedonis /

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