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Our own life serves as a mirror of our thoughts.

/ Michel de Montaigne /

Oh, how much dižu idea that works like a blacksmith\'s bellows: her swelling and make us even emptier.

/ Friedrich Nietzsche /
Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - they are always darker, emptier and simpler than the latter.

/ Friedrich Nietzsche /
Our Entire value - the Ability to Think.

/ Blaise Pascal /
man is created in order to think.

/ Blaise Pascal /
The idea is not free if its help is not possible to earn a living.

/ Russell /
Rather than rock, but the thought is that which creates and kills.

/ Nicholas Roerich /
never lonely he who is noble thoughts in society.

/ Saadi /
Any idea which gives rise to significant effects, it is always easy.

/ Leo Tolstoy /
Both erroneous and correct erroneous through the partiality of human inability to grasp the Whole Truth, and correct, expressing a single direction Human Endeavor.

/ Leo Tolstoy /
Our main thoughts - those that have resistance to our emotions.

/ Valery /
poorly expressed thought loses all its power of attraction, but if it recurs, it bored us.

/ Voltaire /
Clarity decorate deep thoughts.

/ Vovenargs /
Let our years to bloom today
the petals, which thrives in the sun,
Allows scanning of my age today
the melody, which rustles in the heart.
Allows a dream today stars shine,
To-day they ran to you to interfere!

/ A Aare /
Behind youthful madness
More distant age peace
But they are worse in the middle years,
As the cheese stuck in his throat. . .
And among those misconceptions years
When the heart begins to ease press,
When will someone take care of,
When will the one to suffer. .

/ A Orris /

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