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cry for what was,
Nebīties about what tomorrow.
Just gently and safely
His furrows straight drive.

/ K. Skujenieks /
Thoughts come and go, but the head must remain on his shoulders.

/ Armin Lejins /
highly evaluated by other thoughts about themselves only if they were positive.

/ C. Melameds /
Human nature is found in his works, not with words, no matter how noble the thought had never existed.

/ Carlyle /
thought to be found in books, becoming your capital, but thought that there will be yourself - the percent of it.

/ Abu El Faradžs /
I think, therefore I am.

/ Rene Descartes /
awakening is usually thought to arouse the other.

/ Marie Ebner-Eschenbach /
Dome - flower name - opening up, work - the fruit.

/ Emerson /
Few in our thoughts transcends everyday, but even fewer people who dare to act according to their own opinion.

/ Helvēcijs /
Nothing is as free as people think.

/ Hume /
Thoughts create words, words works evil, and the good news, but the thought does not become either honored or punished, Dost they are the cause of everything in one way or another - to get the words and works.

/ Reinis the stack /
Clear your mind. If you are not at bad ideas, not the bad behavior.

/ Confucius /
Be careful of your thoughts - this is the beginning of action.

/ Lao Tzu /
It seems that there can be more essential to knowledge, peaceful life and the success of each event on a person\'s ability to control your thoughts.

/ John Locke /
Thoughts are not subject to taxes.

/ Luther /

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