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Page : 245
from a single glance
I became so easy!
From one sweet word
Everything sounds clear distance.
Nothing is not too difficult
I miss the earth.
Wings at the shoulders feel
And kiss the sky.

/ John northerners /
the power of true love,
It can only admire
Visdziļai darkness, loneliness
Able to light it and bring joy.

/ Fritz Beard /
magnificent tree
Gives the heat of the day in the shade,
Stars shine at night flowers,
Atspulgojies dream bottom,
Over the entire life branches.

/ Mirdza Kempe /
something quietly, quietly - as falling snow,
something viegliņām, viegliņām - as a distant memory.
You Sing to me, the whole matter from where,
I am so close to you, that definitely hear.
Be closer, but still it is not possible,
I am so close to you, that does not notice the remoteness,
All that exists between us - just connect -
acuspīdīga the world can be when you are happy
then you can quietly, quietly - as falling snow -
And so viegliņām, viegliņām - as a distant memory
Sing the same sad,
but will be happy.

/ O. German /
Do not be afraid that today I do not laugh,
I\'m rich and laugh with sadness,
and rich, I\'m right with you,
so rich that is a bit jāsaskumst
just the fact that there is so much too -
dizziness and light, happy and pain.

/ O. The German /
do the impossible,
Save nesaglabājamo,
Despite ikdienišķībai
then stopped in time
And it was love.
Because only love in front of it stops.
And the second was to rake the sand
And butter on one side or the other -
It did not matter.
And rap petals.
And nerūsēja iron
And we are no longer ignored how to count.
And it is beautiful -
That love does not know how to count.

/ Imants Ziedonis /
obligation to make love without annoy.
Responsibility without love makes hard-hitting.
Justice without love makes cruel.
Kindness without love makes hypocritical.
Wisdom without love makes cruel.
The order without love makes scrupulous.
Honor without love makes arrogant.
Property without love makes stingy.
Faith without love makes fanatic.
Life without love is meaningless.
But life is love - give happiness and joy.

/ Mother Teresa /
Thank you for your smile! I whisper softly.
So bright the sun is not even mirdzējusi!
One moment. . . but hundreds can be substituted.
One moment. . . but light years can make.
And heart - even if it is steely,
I turn into flowering meadow on the site.

/ J. Greybeard /
from flower to flower,
From Heart to Heart
Love to fly.
And flower after flower
Again, put out,
And heart wakes.
Behind the light shining flower,
Happiness beating heart,
Around the world ever
Love to fly. . .

/ J. Poruks /

Each other\'s eyes,
And - something neither a whisper,
we are for each other
something we have said -
soul beats without words.

/ O. The German /
generous soul to the top as the sun,
And the mind to clear the top of the moon.
For your eyes quiet and polite
Look to the earth as the stars!

/ Aspasia /
want to make a white world
white snow snow,
And in the white roads
white people go.
And the white people
thoughts are born white.
And the white working days
Celebration is white.

/ I. Ziedonis /
to warm summer
The winter snow,
And in every pleasure.
To be a white soul the idea of ​​winding the yarn,
Comes down to what will be expected.

/ A. Elksne /
If you want others to be happy, be compassionate.
If you want to be happy yourself, you are compassionate.

/ Dalai Lama /

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