Vējā grown tree - strong roots.
/ Reinis stack /
It\'s a case of both sides, usually do not see any of them.
/ Oscar Wilde /
We have no right to happiness, if it does, just as we do not have the right to wealth, if we have not earned it.
/ D. Bernard Shaw /
Difficult times have helped me to better understand how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in all its forms, and that many of the things that people are worried, in fact, is quite insignificant.
/ Aizeka Dainezena /
Sadness happiness is the income tax.
/ Valdis fog /
Happiness is not found in inactivity and in peace, but the move and zeal.
/ Rainis /
Man discovers himself when forces were competing and challenging with an obstacle.
/ Antoine de Saint-Exupery /
All major fraudsters have some special feature, which brings luck: fraud when they\'re so inspired, that themselves had happened. It\'s that spell, with what they subjected others to their power.
/ Friedrich Nietzsche /
Any coincidence is actually a secret message.
/ Paulo Coelho /
Man is neither good nor evil. Concerning the present designations Maybe just inappropriate. Have you seen a bird fly with one wing?
/ Valdis Atal /
Life is like a mountain with a number of valleys, where we climb and get down again.
/ John Jaunsudrabins /
mature you win, but also in the lurch. If you have not been unhappy, you can not be happy. / Joseph Kiršners /
expect the unexpected, it will not find the hidden and hard to find.
/ Heraklit /
to success should be treated the same way as health: be glad when it is paciesties when they are not, and not absolutely necessary not to use strong means.
/ Francois de Larošfuko /
know that sting most strongly? Daily detail mosquitoes.
/ Ojars The German /
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