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everything in life signs.

/ Paulo Coelho /
Art to live more like a pugilist art than dance, because we stand firm and always be ready for the unexpected, rather than on what is already known.

/ Mark Aurēlijs /
Sometimes generosity is based on the ambition to be more expensive for us what we thous.

/ Francois de Larošfuko /
The brain is the limit, but folly is not.

/ Rainis /
Anyone who wants to do something good for humanity, facing the general hatred.

/ Aldous Huxley /
Wealth does not exempt us from trouble - it just replaces the one taking care of others.

/ Michel de Montaigne /
is bad when a person\'s life there is nothing for which he would be ready to die.

/ Leo Tolstoy /
When the listener does not understand the speaker, but the speaker does not know what he mean by that - it\'s a philosophy.

/ Voltaire /
Standing by the sea and just looking at it alone, it can not swim.

/ Rabindranath Tagore /
fun flower opens. What they bud early uzplēš, never without experiencing its full bloom.

/ Zenta Maurina /
Aud his fortune as a spider weave its own network.

/ Peter Donovs /
world is not crazy, just people.

/ Erich Maria Remarks /
But the rich are not the person who owns a lot, but it\'s not over with.

/ Zenta lawn /
Experience is the name we give our mistakes.

/ Oscar Wilde /
near. Admitted to a close, want to keep it, but could not keep anything.

/ Erich Maria Remarks /

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