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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Email : info@eurika.lv


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It\'s not that I\'m so smart, it\'s just that I stay with problems longer.

/ Albert Einstein /
me Can learn only two ways, one by reading, And The Other by association with smarter people.

/ Will Rogers /
fact that we nemācamies of history is the most important history lesson.

/ Aldous Huxley /
History teaches us that from the most unlikely to learn anything.

/ Leopold Rank /
is three youth: Youth of the body, the heart of youth and the spirit of youth. Pity that they never match time.

/ T. Bernard /
Cemeteries are full of indispensable people.

/ J. Clémence /
soul always sees the suffering flesh. The body is the temple of the soul, which take care of.

/ Hippocrates /
Watch for their good works as the precious stones, which have acquired a life!
They are your lifetime salary.

/ Peter Donovs /
cover the bird\'s wings with gold, and he never jumps into the air.

/ Rabindranath Tagore /
most difficult to judge oneself.

/ Antoine de Saint-Exupery /
walk one, two and honest people, bad luck - hordes of hooligans.

/ J. Laganovskis /
He who knows how to keep quiet, hear many confessions - because that will then be candid with the gossiping and the magpie.

/ Francis Bacon /
Name hurt faster than cures.

/ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe /
Man is what he was thinking all the time.

/ Ralph Waldo Emerson /
Do not believe the words - not his or the other, believe it only works - his and others.

/ Leo Tolstoy /

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