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Page : 240
Autumn full moon
Of all things shadows
On the ground.

/ Nang Tanaka /
[ Haiku ]
silkworm cocoons
Get into the sound -
Autumn rain.

/ Muro links /
[ Haiku ]
end of the summer months.
Autumn wind is published
Out of the rain.

/ Gomes Josikava /
[ Haiku ]
Autumn breeze
From the back comes
Through medicine.

/ Vatanabe SuiHe /
[ Haiku ]
waiting for you.
Once again, cold autumn wind
Turns into rain.

/ Detailed Masaoka /
[ Haiku ]

A bird flies away,
Fly silently.

/ Odzak Hossa /
[ Haiku ]
Mežazosu hook
Foothills sealed

/ Busons Josas /
[ Haiku ]
A flying bird\'s wings
Maple autumn leaves.

/ Small Kagame /
[ Haiku ]
The great temple is calling
Butterfly doze.

/ Busons Josa /
[ Haiku ]
envy kļavlapas -
They beautify,
Before falling.

/ Small Kagame /
[ Haiku ]
crane transports the
Glow of my thoughts
Through the autumn night.

/ Hakjo Isida /
[ Haiku ]
banged, saārdija
Autumn darkness loneliness
Friends of conversation.

/ Basjo Matsu /
[ Haiku ]
Arrived at a crossroads -
Autumn is darkness everywhere.

/ SeiSS Yamaguchi /
[ Haiku ]
God made relative; Thank God WE CAN Choose our friends.
There Should be a better way to start a day, than waking up every morning.

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Page : 240
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