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Page : 239

Quickly fly away
Left hand wind.

/ Isa Kobayasi /
[ Haiku ]
thunderclap -
Lightning occurs
Of my chest.

/ Iside Hakjo /
[ Haiku ]
Poppy falling down - even a green receptacle wonderful smell. / Ranran /
[ Haiku ]

Far mountains deals

/ Isa Kobayasi /
[ Haiku ]
between western sun
And the month that just jumps -
Red dragonflies.

/ Nikjū /
[ Haiku ]
And fading rainbow

/ Yamaguchi Hacudzjo /
[ Haiku ]
suddenly shouted
Cicada and only once -
A bright moonlight.

/ Hadzins /
[ Haiku ]
singing nightingales -
Pigeon chest
Bent down to the ground.

/ Kavabata Bosja /
[ Haiku ]
stands alone.
Green trees shadow the severity
Do not let sleep.

/ Kana Reiko /
[ Haiku ]
two eyes,
That opens the world
Opens the heart.

/ Odzak Hossa /
[ Haiku ]
fell chestnut -
Paused for a moment
Insects halls.

/ Bosjo /
[ Haiku ]
fallen leaves
It sweeps, as if seeking

/ Hirai Sjobins /
[ Haiku ]
magnolia page -
When it bids farewell to the branch.
I hear a quiet whisper.

/ Tomijasu Fuse /
[ Haiku ]
Morning Sun
Already easily pass through
Autumn Willows.

/ Seib Nacume /
[ Haiku ]
After radish,
Nothing more.

/ Basjo Matsu /
[ Haiku ]

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Page : 239
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