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Page : 237
Winter waterfall -
Rock, which shines at morning,
Neither the evening sun.

/ Nodzava Secuko /
[ Haiku ]
went through this world -
The moon, snow and
Flower of life.

/ Sjarjū /
[ Haiku ]
Winter Hoodie
Itself on its own shadow

/ Fuki /
[ Haiku ]

Occurs at night.
Before the night - darkness.

/ Hirai Sjobins /
[ Haiku ]
sad beauty -
The image of the Buddha deposited in
Winter dust.

/ Hosomi AJAKS /
[ Haiku ]
moon circle
Light meets a circle
Winter lake.

/ Hasimoto Takako /
[ Haiku ]
finally met
Snow spun fields
Two people.

/ Yamaguchi Cheysson /
[ Haiku ]

Through the falling snow
Butterflies. . .

/ Oemaru Otomo /
[ Haiku ]
first spring
In humans, a dog include crows
And fields appear.

/ Akidzava Takeshi /
[ Haiku ]
Spring Morning -
Mist mountain pass
The horse\'s breath.

/ Rock /
[ Haiku ]
endless rain -
Plum leaves cold,
Light in color.

/ Saimaro /
[ Haiku ]
Wing švīksti.
Heavenly realms gliding

/ Meisecu Naito /
[ Haiku ]
Even my shadow
Healthy and lively
Spring morning.

/ Isa Kobayasi /
[ Haiku ]
huge tree,
Bird songs embracing him,
Nothing neizbārsta.

/ Hosino Tacuko /
[ Haiku ]
White dew
The morning sun
Beginning and the End.

/ Kavabata Bosja /
[ Haiku ]

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Page : 237
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