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Page : 235
He who thinks that they can do without the other, badly wrong. But the one who thinks others can not do without him is mistaken still more.
[ Dictums ]
Know yourself ignorant to know is the highest. Pathetic is innocent play the knower.
[ Dictums ]
Will the white world
snow white snow,
And a white highways
white people go.
And to white people
thoughts are born white.
And the white working days
White Day is.

/ I Heyday /
for each year of happiness is your moment -
and each morning a bright side.
Sweet man comes, put the ear
and whisper to you on your dream island.

Yet every year has its own svētvakars,
its threshold White, who left behind grief:
window at the blizzard as a clean towel cards,
trees and snow white full-Vedic.

/ P. Jurciņš /
this holy night under \'zvīļo and sky,
It included a heart with stars talking -
Rimst and hatred one of another beloved again,
Over all the rest hot wings are doing.
This sparkles at night while walking your feet,
This night is uncertain hope you are able to give;
This makes the night to forget all, misery all
And teaches you loved, to forgive all,
This night has opened the gates of heaven,
Darkness over the land the star is eager circle
And at night the head of each quietly
God bless your dear hand binding.

/ V. Mora /
sparkles puzuri card rooms.
Farms, where blizzards snowflake confusing,
Sweep paths, gates lifted:
Wrote Christmas sleigh run.

Flashes foals silver reins,
Jingle Bells, Sleigh bearing;
Trees light up the candles bright,
Father Christmas friendly nods.

Open-expected gift bags,
Children joyful heart begins to beat:
Full of joy of the top land and air,
Christmas star shines over the world.

/ N. Kalnins /
The night sky garden
All white roses bloom.
This night sky Regiment
Children sing for Christ.
This night is sacred, full of Miracles,
Good to be able to experience
Its deep sanctity. . .

/ V. Pludona /
quiet you want to vote,
When Christmas snow on the earth,
As a white, white love
What you hands on your head makes.
looked up where the light lives
Century constellation pink,
Raugies with the child\'s faith
Open the gate of heaven!

/ V. Mora /
, and yet filled
The same is true of the broad fields:
Look for silver, it is white, the trembling
Right here - in us.

/ I Heyday /
As we missing since early days of love,
In the down soft, white flakes plok?
Provision of a quiet night and allow all to unite
The peace of heart - the gift take it.

/ L. Brīdaka /
go. Our own survival time
Another foot in the snow blizzard is not confusing, concealed,
But somebody still has happy, merry New Year\'s cheek.
Is again full of new hopes buried.

/ R. Bertholds /
to warm summer, the winter snow,
To work, to friends and to time pleasure
The soul can dream of white yarn winding,
Comes to those that will be expected.

/ A. Elksne /
Come, quiet night, with its holy peace,
After the countless hearts tvīkst.
And to hear the star of the new message,
That man has to believe in and hope to be.

/ V. Mezaraups /
apmirdz Christmas stars
Dwells in our hearts to white delight,
To all the winds carry the sorrow away
And myself nejūties the debtor.

For ever shining Christmas stars
And the ground over a white peace is poured,
With the subdued song brings light
And love in all hearts, Vol.

/ J. Tabun /

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