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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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True love can not be changed. It does not require anything in return, and not turn into something else.

/ D. Copra /
Lovely words can be short and easy to pasakāmi, but their support is endless.

/ Mother Teresa /
As I will, so will not result linden blossom, rain does not stop raining and people are people. . .

/ O. The German /
In life there comes a time when we can not influence what happens to us, and our lives come to their own devices. Such is the world\'s greatest lie.

/ Paulo Coelho /
If we lose ourselves, then we lose everything.

/ Goethe /
every happiness in life knocks at everyone\'s door, but often at this time a man sitting in a nearby pub and hear the knock.

/ Mark Twain /
smile is often the most important thing. A smile is ordered. Smile award. Smile cheered. And a smile can also be such that it is due to go to death.

/ A Saint-Exupery /
If you do not what you want, want what you can.

/ Leonardo da Vinci /
people can be destroyed, but they can not win.

/ Hemingway /
greatest honor we can show people, have to trust them.

/ Martin Luther /
When the sun deck in the back, then you see only his shadow.

/ Halil Džebrans /
iepazīsi When all the secrets of life, it will seek to death - for the current life of mystery.

/ Halil Džebrans /
means to be generous to give more than you can, be proud - taking less than you need it.

/ Halil Džebrans /
Neizraugies his friends about a man who does not distinguish right from left hand.

/ Indian wisdom /
Friendship enhances the joys and sorrows shared.

/ Thomas Fuller /

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