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Page : 228

The danger is the same
As with dogs,
bēdzējam bite,
towards the increasing prevalence of

But people are
As with human-
they will first
Love is a sufficient justification for the existence of any.

/ Paulo Coelho /
Man is neither beast nor angel, to love him and not the animal, rather than platonic, but human.

/ Visarions Beļinskis /
What a banal love it, funny, always the same and always different!

/ Guy de Mopasāns /
neproblemātiska Love is such a thing as public transportation. Another problem is only the drivers and street racers.

/ Franz Kafka /
Love is something more striking than art.

/ Oscar Wilde /
either once a human heart: the madness, but loves, just loves.

/ Mark Twain /
two lovers hearts are the most beautiful poetry, two lovers kiss is the most magnificent music.

/ Victor Hugo /
love crazy that this crime can not do without accomplices.

/ Charles Baudelaire /
Love is a terrible feeling - the heart of an earthquake.

/ Heinrich Heine /
Love gives power over the other.

/ Stephanie Meiere /
Love Can not be Measured with the MEANS by Which we Measured path length or height of the home.

/ Paulo Coelho /
Remember that friendship is the best way in which love for each other exceeds the need of one after another.

/ Dalai Lama /
Friendship on behalf of all can be broken down, just not in love.

/ Dante /
is not possible to hide the love, money and worries.

/ Lope de Vega /

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Page : 228
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