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Page : 227
Loop name
or is it so hard to him expressing?
Spring with force out
Bits already do not need to drive out.
Bite know. Flowers knows. But you do not know.
Bite goes. Flowers bloom. But you do not go.
What is the magic time, do not know
That our sun and the stars laughs. ,
What our lips wormwood drain
And those dandelion wine is poured.
I want all? Yes, I want it all.

Outside the window as the dew, the dew
Morning has come zalgojošs
and my soul requires
of their luminosity to.

But life is not bass,
on the shoulders still dreaming and sleep,
and softest lawn yet sharp
and harder asphalt Stieg.

But waiting baltnepielūdzamība
vilinādama and flies.
As a first kiss -
modiens is so tough on young lives.
snowing. We both start to winter today,
Simply ask for the later evening darken, -
Become whiter and more realistic
Fatal for the remote between us.

It\'s snowing. Between us all white fog Tyne
Path, and life will be smooth and white -
Snow all pave the pothole. . .
Pave, only a footpath.

It\'s snowing. Already the earth is a white skirt,
We remain at their windows,
Become whiter and more realistically.
It\'s snowing. How foolish, however, snow

You can
appear for a moment
like lightning.

You can come back to the dawn
and go to the west
the day.

You can catch fire
burning and dziestot
the candle.

You can be all over -
before me,
I was,
after me
As the time.

Can you all.
You are not coming
and leaving -
you are in me.

Plandošas lights winds swept,
Plandošas torch we hold hands, -
Our Land from afar
Today, there is a ship with red sails.

City canvas red tin,
And they are the same, just like sisters -
Today is a celebration, and celebrations of
Poppy, fire and blood color.

Poppies. Today every flag in bloom
Latvian poppy red flame -
Today, when the wind is up with people singing
Fighting and winning red songs.

Flame. How far in history view
Victory in the mountains and had hard floors.
Gleam to the present fifth year
Burning manor red northern lights.

Blood. Her every flag glow
Red, live and infinitely fast,
They pland every flag over and over again -
Beating today and shed battles.

Travel the wind blows the red sails,
Beloved land, and brother and sister,
It is your sailors and their life -
Poppy, fire and blood color.

Plandošas lights winds swept -
Plandošas torch we hold hands, -
Our Land from afar
Today, there is a ship with red sails.

He needed
pitch and zēvele.
He was a master of fire,
he had a mania -

She had needed
pitch and zēvele.
She was a warm master,
she had me -

At the same time:
Two frog lens
opposite each other
and long jump.

Today apzvana.
apzvana ...

Today, dial-up.
dial-up ...

Today aizzvana.
part of me.

Today I have a dial-up
call ...

Conduct business
inclined in the rain, my fire,

over ancestral bones,
my conscience,

Where to go
my people,
my sick
go there.

Hold on
heaven and earth,
my fate,
Hold on.

Got a passport
and become a man.

Counted cash
and become rich.

Bought the machine
and become fast.

Bought a pair of binoculars
and become farsighted.

Lived life
and become. . .

Is not to say
nothing like that,
but not quite.

Which the water he would have laughed,
If it pasmeļ with a handful?
God was love,
The world by putting Gauja.

My eternal fever.
My hair and brush.
Vidzeme asinssaite.
Latvian necklace. . .

Words, much as he wants, one can say
I think every contrived.
I was blindfolded
I undertake to find you

Among all of the Yenisey River,
Among all the Gang and Elbām,
At the whitest poetry
And the darkest of the devil.

And so there forever
The brightness of your Serres,
Rye on thy shore,
Tears of people at the funeral.

For people in the wedding bird-cherry
Aizkūpas pink and white!
I can not help God.
I am seeking for their time.

What they are gods Claus,
It has the same you know.
The gods do not suffer witches.
I have you, witch, like you.

Neither gods nor devils to know,
What our feelings behalf.
But if caught and burned,
Then - two on one pink
Go and just beware squelch snail,
Notraukt cane stare cloth seats!
Himself miracles among you ever wonder
The most you\'re one of them, remember!
you sleep peacefully in my hands like snow
the spruce green, fringed branches lying,
and the white winds quiet edge of the forest stands,
because they are not allowed to awaken you today,
standing in white lines through corners, because they do not have the lead,
floor boards and quietly, as not having to go across,
the empty cells lying in the concert hall,
asleep at the piano and grizzled musician,
and silently smokes General is eager,
because today is not having to shoot and is not - which,
spruce branches as fringy you sleep
on my hands quietly as snow.
long grass through the snow Dura
as long as the ground is not the big sleep
sit down at my campfire
sugar to make tea out of the snow,

That you have not forgotten it,
I saw today on the edge,
when you stood in front of a dead stare
As with all living end.

Melted away from your stop
there it leaving one killed
lead you looked at the sky,
and I saw - blackbird flew.

Furthermore, I saw you on candles
hand slowly lining and Zelia,
and I know who flame anything?,
but with pink, hot dog tongue

licks on that one you have,
and what is with you was.
Heart now you are no longer close or conclude,
do not care, I\'ve been there.
something quietly, quietly - as falling snow,
something viegliņām, viegliņām - as a distant memory
I Sing you, everything no matter from where,
I am so close to you, that definitely hear.
Closer to be - it is still not possible,
I am so close to you, that does not notice the remoteness,
All that exists between us, only compounds
the translucent world can be when you are happy
then you can quietly - as falling snow -
and so viegliņām, viegliņām - as a distant memory -
sing the same sad, but will be happy.
This dwarf, who brought me gray hair
and said - you keep because you sent it yours
so you have to play the violin strings startled,
to be the world\'s fir ply red heart
and to have a shine when the sun\'s rays remain free, -
It wears a goblin on the ears of lemon peel Micia
and sly wink of the eye, a key slot to go,
and a neighbor, found the two together with my hair,
roar: - What\'s so everything is not in the canteen soup! -
And I thought, what the mouth is a strange hole.

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