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Page : 226

I made my head on the needles unnecessary.
Padzero and I know:
- They can not get it.

They can not be empty.
They are so clear and clean. . .
They are clouds in July
And melted snow men.

Something from the hail fall
And May frosts.
I say thank you fir trees.
I say thank you to the mountain.

I say thank you to the ground,
What you gave me.
You are the source of -
And you can not drink.

I\'ll be strong,
When my steps through the happiness and misery go.
And if it\'s all a dream,
So - better to neatmostamies.
new miracle appeared

of my own;
new wonder - he
was my breath.

He took from me
only one side
and took no other
that piegurusi.

And again from this side
only one gram -
degdamu the time,

And from the gram
only one point:
Shine, shine when you clean
and just shine.

This o\'clock this moment
undermine the city;
o\'clock it for the people
War slaughter,

but it was the moment -
in summary

The hill to go up,
source will run down,
their locations are

Small seeds land in the spleen. . .
sow, but the land court -
no bread,
the convicted
and can you

The hill to go up,
source will run down,
where you are.

The dog barks on the stump with a tail,
one of four banks of the river,
Go wherever you want -
Stieg roads,
beware, beware,

The hill to go up,
source will run down,
Act beloved dies -

Assay in the veins of red,
sara their fiery,
year steps
new stand

The hill to go up,
source will run down,
their locations are
Do not tell mother

Saints. . .
Just do not say those words mothers.
The land has been the result.
Bezlaikā fallen.
Do not know how. . .
Do not say those words mothers.
Pārdarījuši once.
Alone. . .
These words mothers.
Here we face -

Here stands marmorpieminekļi
Chrysanthemum and the moon shines,
But not all the corner
Lying In large cemetery funny Baron.

With čugunķēdēm Jozi all
nearby rich sulāns.
But the baron\'s house nodzēris
It is their land birch juice.

Where an angel with a hand-cast,
There\'s peace in God seemed bishop.
Marmorkāpnes leads to the tomb,
Doomsday easier to get off.

But Baron is in nothing
For here lies only in his personal
And they will not walk
Not even the doomsday court.

He is always in front of us all
As a folk song rhythms series -
Vislatviskākais Artist
With such a name as a spanking.

Can be called Baron or Prince,
But if you\'ve got your heart, folk songs,
Then you nesabraukt life,
And it does not change anything there.

Who will - it pushes to cross,
Who wants to - to cool granite Bale.
But Baron\'s grave quiet -
As a dark night, green grass.

Only the apple falls
Autumn rasainā hall.
Rasa blue as the Tale,
Where are you leaving tomorrow.

The only cloud doze
Distant forest on the neck,
Day pretend blind,
The day a bit more skauž.

Just all in vain.
Takes blood dima,
And the stars that were born,
All destined cool.

Just yet,
Not because I am afraid that,
Not because the knocking,
Not because the pity.

Just because a
I inherited that from you
And more time to be born,
To once more may die.

Just not say \"tomorrow\"
While your lips are already stretches
Falls as the planet\'s alien
Only the apple falls.
White Nights

You see, when the meadow-stroke
Ditches cool dew of the river will flow
And aiztecēs. And the white fog tomorrow
On our way will not raise white boom.
To remain in the dew. Just for fun
There is no blood in the land free of dew.
To nopeldas the dew leveret one
And cilvēkbērni morning, wash your eyes.
No, look - throw through the white night
Even in the moon light your dull
And cut silvery rye turned
And all sudrabstiebri remain standing.
The earth goes white midnight silence
And asleep aspen branches fires
White silence. And it seems miljonklusums.
There is a second half of the twentieth gadusimta.
Einstein is dead. You have to go school son.
On the earth plane wings of cancer.
And deposited the reactive glowing,
And she sounds much later buttock.
Many new station name shouts
Many new flag on the earth wide. . .
IETS is! You hear, land - fast IETS!
But the White Nights are still the same.
But when the year TALEMA words mij
And when they say - I am a race at the moment -
There are wondering: - Is the former White Nights
It\'s cruel gadusimta middle?
Ballad of the blue whale

He not dream of land
Where the southern sun Kvelde.
He knew the cold sea,
Where the blue whale swims.

He knew that the waves like a horse
There\'s craft by taking sides.
He knew the boys fathers
On the blue whale per.

I do not know how many times he had
Of work and a whopping crooked,
But swimming in a blue whale
Through the blood katrureiz.

With the tail smote the wave
Dunes and the ocean:
- If courage, then tūļājies faster
You are my opponent.

Drag herring and cod tonnes
Empty your heart will each raid.
I\'m what you need.
I\'ll wait here. -

Son straightened up before his father
Of work and a whopping crooked,
His father watched his son a long time
And given a beating recently.

And took off his leather jacket:
- Take. You will need it tomorrow. -
And the son of the same blue
Had the eyes of a whale and obstinacy.

He is now a cold sea,
Where the waves are heavy as lead,
And he made it into the sea,
It knows the polar winds.

I know - nothing is sacred
About it - wherever you want, go there.
Today I hear that my son
The blue whale sings.
to shed, if desired, another
but my soul - against
that life is short kursiņš - to believe
and the Academy - not to believe.
Can anyone how wants pain Coal
every moment on myself to sift
and belief cabin tear down,
and Neticētaugstceltni built.
All this has been known long time ago,
but we are forgetful,
because - believe is the only gene
to justify our existence.
In order to do as they wish, another
but I - the old truth
and better betrayed faith
Vilos than believing.
Putniņu need to catch,
Otherwise, fly high
Otherwise not be able to intercede
In front of the palm of your mouth.

Otherwise, spring
Again, something there will expect
Ed there some sort of egg
And people like Peres.

Need to catch a bird -
And just to catch the tail,
Otherwise - as the crow
Stiepļotu lattice boxes?

He has to sing the commands,
Or leave killed
He should know - the songs
Appetite improves.

Need to catch the bird,
For it is easier to pieēst belly.
Bird to sing while grow tired,
After their return the puss

I am after a meal of life
Couples heart melted edges -
And sleep on the carpet
Puss with red mustache.

Who is behind it,
where the infinity end?
Behind it?
Is again infinity.
And behind them?
There are again.
And behind them?
A hundred and I did not.
And was not the first one hundred.
Would love ends
where she ends
two electrodes
one collapsed?
Or ascending into heaven
and pērkonlietū
face of the sky
light giving a high pitched?
Not a hundred.
A hundred is not the first.
Do people stop
when people stop?
All I have a hundred answers.
All right.
And all the lying.
autumn day

Autumn birch grove day šalkains
Again, the branches atdzīvojies aching
Your hair is captivating and subtle
Autumn winds pieelpotais Gold

Near the blue shadows of the white birch
Again, reminding himself, shines
Your eyes and my long
Hurry long gone heart.

Gold leaf rain Trail,
Birch a good song to flow,
As if they were both us palak
Today would have seen us.

Begins to caress the sun bright fingers
Autumn clouds cool Clyde,
And from the birch leaves off sparkles
I never nesmaidītais smile.

What can you do - where life does not allow,
Often, their dreams, we\'re going
Then, when the autumn winds rain on the road
Fire, which does not need to delete.

It already happens - a birch grove šalkains
Again, aching limbs atdzīvojies
Your hair glimmering and fine
Autumn winds pieelpotais gold.
Dzērvju Dance

It is very rare you can see
Because cranes are becoming increasingly less.
Was enough for me once
And I still have today is sad.
They probably had them joys
On the day when the come together in,
And so they danced in the swamp.
Well, in our language - the marsh
But her - in the world.
And danced the dance,
Where krustības, weddings and funerals
And a lot of what I thought
And everything came at once -
So funny and deep at the same time.
And I felt to intoxication,
I though nothing has been.

Not at night watching the stars
Not going to the first dance
Not the first burial friend
Not for the first time feeling redundant.

Or the fragrant
down to the flower!
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
Or, as the wind
Druvas bet!
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
Or how small
I am!
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
Or how much
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
Tip of the hill
naked and cold.
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
Longer bottom
see it.
Climb alone, Dear son, up the hill.
White Morning

This morning take in memory,
When the white snow snow.
But if the memory is gaist,
Then - it must happen.
On a white table cloth covered with,
When you want to feast begin
Takes on the handkerchief,
When the times comes cry.
About atvadsveicienu it takes,
And so it rustles in the wind.
Take on anything. On that morning
Late in the snow is white.
If the way you cut a wound,
Morning on the link bellows,
While still in country irrespective
We go through life.
This morning take in memory,
It does not matter - as then.
I\'ll help carry the
Consequently, before the law.

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