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Page : 225
I want to get back, I want to. . .

Like blue smoke in the air is lost.
Because, look, how trees grow - as if flowing.
Because, look, as snow falls, without obtaining anything.

Nothing - not want to get, not to take it, nothing.
But only to a greater silence
Come away, go here. And stand farther.
And all have, without obtaining anything.
river at night screaming duck

Ducks in the river at night screaming.
and you also neiemiedz!
That\'s why it can not know why.

It may be that too much is taken,
may be that too little is allowed,
and maybe a little is also hurting.

Way out of the house quiet.
Shining star, and lying in mud,
and can clearly see the happiness money.

It\'s nothing, oh, it does so,
this is so in silence,
so from the sidelines pretending to cry.

Ducks in the river at night screaming.
and you also neiemiedz.
Everywhere some noise in a quiet and muffled.

It\'s nothing, oh, it does so,
this is so in silence ...
That\'s why it can not know why.
pure potato flavor -

Besides La Spezia and majonēzēm.
It is good that I am going aršus
And clean the lungs go sometimes.

Do - clean harrows or - something
The sun was lying bare feet.
How clean, clean winter crying
The sharp hexagonal flakes.
page does not move.

I will burn a candle tonight
and go, plug in the hands of distant meadows.
Maybe through some unknown leaking
I suddenly iestaigāšu in your thoughts.

You will see a meadow. And eternity.
Go a little boy. And converted to the old.
And light up somehow. It\'s you.
I jokingly call it as it is for a candle.

What are talking about love,
If the name is no longer already.
It is simply:\'\' I want him. \'\'
Not to speak of love.
When God takes the rib of Adam,
This act is already mechanized.
What to speak of love -
Its name is no longer the case.
strange remoteness of the quiet,

strange emptiness that sounds.
Remain behind hail,
will be behind me,
you stay, the wind remains in the stream,
smoke rising in the sky.
I have a strange taste:
I would love to just three.
You, who were, and came
you, who is standing next to either,
you by the heart and mind
looking for and which are not.

Remain behind hail,
melting snow behind me.
Weird. In the distance. Pacific.
As it still reads and reads.

Are lucky to find himself
And the work that loves and knows,
But how many more hours each day
As manure ārdām unwittingly.
And no I do not want to live on,
It will live in the back.
Sounding words paler, becoming paler. . .
And I do not want to live longer on.
But go somewhere quiet side,
Where the grain flour served basis. . .
As I do not want to live longer on,
But the will to live returned.
you coming to me now secondly lādzēm.
With shining eyes - and shining bracelets.

Former kastaņlaiks. They are slamming burst.
And suddenly it became a pity that life is so short.

So is the light allows you to see God,
when you walk past me and iemirdzies.

I complain. Life be laughter.
As far as the flashing. As in passing.
both sides

Put together
nesaliekamas things:

Šķūnelī together
the old wall
iemīdīt Article

Single chain
the doorbell
mounted on the death
and birth.

Not at all today,
not necessarily tomorrow:
both of these light
fall down on me

back. And here in me
when we meet,
show: the rest
no where to go -

on both sides
gold air forces -
and where to go: you yourself
\'re the only one.
I thee a present of Nesting

Far Vidzeme white birch.
There\'s my dream thrushes in winter.
I pray thee: spring
We will go both to look.

And if they will be cold
(And they will surely be cold:
There were already so I thrushes,
There were already thy thrush) -
And if they will be cold,
Return the cats!

But perhaps, in the spring
We will go both to inspect the
What is the cage. The devil they know
What if there is also your thrushes?
Maybe the winter is born
Strazdiņi small.
with tenderness towards you

With tenderness to you, I relate.
And all the other dies will.
Perhaps the cranberries stand frost
Do your due - as windmill hill?

I am the dish, below which the summoned spirit.
Maybe I can be Your Calendar
Where can one day - everything will go away when -
Year should always be repeated again?

Oh let me be present from a distance
And offend you when not to violate.
As the trunk, below the frost crystals branch -
It may be that it will meet with you I can?

The road back again, and somehow intentionally glib. . .
With gentleness I done to you.
When cranes are going away again.

When the cranes go away again,
They are waiting for us to look more
And does not expect. Where is he from -
Between us, this silent rebuke.

A white bird flying up the sky
And falls, and everything, and the dead
And remain in the mouth aizslēgtajā
This criticism, which will keep.

We drank each other when we thirsty,
But now the white flower is requested:
You, please, sparing me the pain! -
Why, you\'ve got me jāapzūdz?

Or pages can be blamed page?
And that may be accused of flowers bloom?
But my head as to the tomb,
What a strange gravity put down.

And when you come across a white ash
I do not force you to go off.
Which kind of hard black flowers
To your heart, my blossom!
I am myself.

I am a mountain ash.
Around my fire clusters
The world\'s controversial idea of ​​starlings
Making out in swarms.
Why do you want
Ply oak acorns in my hands?

I am a potato flower.
Why do you expect from me
Carnation and rose-breath?
Why did you wait
So I\'m not who I am?

My, how you say, puerile view -
This is me most.
My first sirmais
And last sirmais hair -
They are indelible, thirst,
It is an enduring soul hunger
Speed ​​and pleasure
And stop the pain -
This is me most.

At your feet I am not come down,
Through your love I\'m not risen -
What do you want from me?

Butterflies do not care earthquake. Butterflies pity flowers
earthquake, earthquake comforts bees.

In leaking out of the cells of honey earthquake. In pouring
bees from the feet and the sand disappears pollen earthquake.
Butterflies comforts ending earthquake. In a few roots
the interrupted call the earthquake.

Butterflies are taught to keep the air quake. Butterflies
atskrien and pass the pig out of the bag earthquake. Not
than scary, there is nothing so scary earthquake that
jātrīc the same, so that the same start quake earthquake.

Funny though, that only butterflies we can help the
ground begins to tremble.
world\'s most beautiful berries

The world\'s most beautiful berries
Complete this fall rowan twigs.
The world\'s most beautiful berries
Eat crow and starling flocks.

The world\'s most beautiful berries
The sole ground that they are bitter,
Severe, red trusses
Swinging unplucked.

I have only one heart itself,
One bottle of wine rowan,
And how little it can fill,
This is what we all know.

I have only one heart itself,
But but you also have hearts!
Then tear off all rowanberries
And they all winter you will hear.

But when a quiet evening cicada sings,
Pass the moon red horns.
Mountain ash and red blossoms at midnight,
Heavy clusters of berries.

The most beautiful fruits in the world,
Fall asleep at night I have.
And the first snow and tears pouring,
As red tears in the snow.

And if by some pavārtē
After iniquities stink,
Call: I only have one heart!
Call and you will hear.

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