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Page : 224
walked throughout the year,
Midsummer searching for drugs;
Well I found St. John\'s Hall
Right on Midsummer Eve.

Great road edges;
When the day comes John,
Enable you to the crown.
When the idler is working: the winter-cold, spring-flood, mud-autumn, but summer-do not open.

/ Finnish proverb /
Once imagined, that can not be worse, so realize that you made a mistake again!
He who does not do anything, there are always a lot of mates.
life experience - it is a heap of knowledge, how not to handle situations that would never happen again.
minus - it is half the pros! But the advantage - it sometimes has two cons ...
If you do not know what you want - you\'ll get what\'s left over.
is not an intractable problem - are unpalatable solutions.
I wish that not only would like to.
Teamwork is very important for one who does not do anything.
nedzīvojiet Without love,
Without love, everything is small!
Without love, smoke ovens
And cutting our bread slicer axis.

And a chip with an ax,
With a blunt ax day MES
And a strange devil apnicības
On the bright gardīnstangām seated.

And if the devil can not understand
Why do flowers bloom on the window,
Why need to get up in the morning
And why the need to go to sleep.

Without love nedzīvojiet,
Because it is not that take and not give in!
And the one you drink from their cups,
One of his bread encoding tool,

One go and smiles to himself,
One of my concerns with the furrows. . .
How many people live in it,
And it turns out - and it can be.

May have. . .
Worst of all is when the other hurts

Worst of all is when the other hurts
It goes all the hell can endure.
Worst of all is when the other hurts
And when he looks into your eyes
And dumb silent, and does not ask nothing
For pain severity is divided
Worst of all is when the other hurts
And you do not know how to help.
not roll twice

Twice the love comes,
Love life is such a one,
Since the heavy lid of your coffin,
Since your birth date.

It is not love, which knows how to
For years and years to tease tear,
Love it like lightning come -
Come, an outbreak of white and killed.

Since we are going. Day dziest and weave.
Fire dart long krājies voltage.
Lightning! Your! And again it is not yours
Occurs next to your friend and walker.

One after another burn up smiling
Blue lightning strike and fruitcakes.
Let\'s go on! Let\'s go to pending,
Lightning targets missed are recorded, nenospertie
Song of joy

And if ever stigmatized
And I get hit and scold,
I sit down and the words
One song of joy.

To the delight of myself I write
For his own pleasure,
And from his song
The very glad I am.

On their own, to the delight of you
And folk to please.
If you want the others to sing.
For where shall I put it?

In not need much at all -
Once a total animal,
To write your way
Song of joy.

And if you too are somehow
Not find it unnecessary, -
You can also sing
This song of joy.

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