for each year of happiness
It is a moment of happiness for each year your -
and each morning his bright edge.
Loved one comes down, bending the ear
and whisper to you about your dream island.
And each year has its own concerns time -
čiepst bird nest baby foot wide.
Even willow fence so worried face,
and Eve by the river do not have time to comb your hair ...
Yet each year has its own svētvakars,
their threshold in white, to leave behind the sorrow:
at the window of the blizzard so clean towel cards,
and spruce snow white full-Vedic.
/ Peter Jurciņš /
Christmas poem
Quiet and white night
Sanctity unites us.
Falling snowflakes, flying dreams,
But beneath the wings of wonder
Filled time
Sparkle like a Christmas star.
White and quiet
This time,
White and quiet. . .
Only the angels exultation
Heard everywhere,
What unites us
Beneath the sky,
And give love,
In order to keep sanctity.
Quiet and white night
Slowly falling snowflakes
And the wonder of the world covered wings,
Because the Son of God
Is to give us.
festive evening
Air sniedziņš slivery placed,
High towers bells sweetly sings:
All the happy faces and beautiful,
Street fire panorama of blossoms.
Shelter to an iron fence, broad,
Under the trees where the light shines a house,
Ragged boy standing alone and staring,
Bare fingers warmed breath.
Here, there, on the second floor window,
The song sounds, and gentle candlelight
Children bent over the white pallium
Christmas grandfather\'s face ...
And behind an iron fence, and Salt,
Where the trees barely visible house
Ragged boy standing on a street of white,
Bare fingers warmed breath.
/ John northerners /
Already gates open for the winter
Coming-old mother
The snow sheets in hand
And donates them to the ground
Top black white land
It donning diamond jewelry,
Shining stars
Night decorate
Bathhouse uncovered green
What gets wet in the rain had
Also, old school
Winter apsegusi
Dreaming beneath the snow crowns
In the forest of spruce and pine
Only on the white track
Black wheel rails
Stork foci maple
Snow jērene head
Barn behind the school in the meadow
Aizsnigušas doors
/ Anton Austrins /
drifts house
Behind the house yard fence drifts
Bushy and grandmother gourd
It kuplajā house of lies blizzards partridges
At the house door is closed, because the ghosts wandering around, and partridges are afraid
It kuplajā house pour her Christmas candles
And gnomes, dwarfs just waiting.
/ Uldis Auseklis /
Līgojam on the lake,
John\'s evening
Izlīgojam golden crown,
With all the ferns. Saturiņicīts>
midsummer sun, midsummer bee
By large tīrumiņu,
Sun - kaltēdama flowers,
Bite - lasīdama flowers. Saturiņicīts>
The flowering fern dainots
And Told so much,
But it was only given Once a year
It allowed people to see. Saturiņicīts>
Who shone as endorsed
Papardīšu Krumins?
Peoples son\'s eyes were burning
The girls augumiņu. Saturiņicīts>
Perfume hall pat wind
Nature pāršalks lightning abilities.
Once in their lives, we can,
Ferns lose heart! Saturiņicīts>
To Jāņunakts bloom.
In order to fire at the sun
And the summer goes. Saturiņicīts>
Solstice for many years;
Dictated by their rules:
Beer mugs full of things,
Papardīti seek to go
Who will find the flower,
Love will enjoy a night!
Happy, joyful Midsummer Festival
Success is sweet papardgrēkos
Then barbecue, flames -
Friends joyful songs. Saturiņicīts>
It Jāņunakts bloom.
In order to fire at the sun
And the summer goes. Saturiņicīts>
prosperous flower tones
With the native side vasarlaika light
You uzdāvā the miraculous flower,
By only once a year can be found. Saturiņicīts>
John Hall,
By reaping the benefits of Midsummer Eve.
St. John\'s golden night dew
Each drug tip. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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