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Page : 221
sometimes I\'ve been to Eugene small
Who knew that gives him a needle,
Which unfortunately do not understand that he has a good,
And a good front door with spicēm over and over again. . .

I was like a chicken from egg šķīlies,
Who knābīti curiosity is opened,
That interfere with the nest at the edge behind the evil obstinacy,
But because of all the unknown and fogbound.

Their patience, so I wrap the horns,
Which shall be made in each of buciņš badīgu,
Their love, teacher of dalījāt,
With all the flowers of the earth will never replace it.

Thank you, teacher, I say a thousand,
And the tears that I now come from the eyes,
Is, not sad, they are tears of joy,
For me you have had other better.

/ Aija Celma /
This song, a school, we sing about tevi_ Every word is a flower, thanks to you twisted. This life force, which you gave us, We take for life to. There will be many years away. Come and leave again. Against new tālēm call every morning. But, my dear school of your travel bread We take for life to. Will dažam life easier, more difficult for another, it will be your strength and our obstinacy, but the right light, thy years experience, we will take a lifetime to. / Ziedonis Swamp /
Thank you, my dear, good school,
On the morning sun, which we Liki hands:
We take from your class promises to
Yourself up with the sun high dream stars.

Thank you teacher, my sirmais,
On the blazing heart, you gave us:
You were a great way of life first,
Who knew how to find us themselves.

For your gentle rustling white birch,
Which life springs will run over,
Progress too far to never-ending hunger
You always come to thank the school.

/ Joseph Osmanis /
call me again ucts,
I just got the sixth bench minor,
Three things to ask teachers,
Because I know what is needed.
We love to give way,
In its never too much is given,
This - a dish from which it draws all,
But who has never run out.
And wisdom we need to -
On a green branch, each will be,
But if you do not mind the work,
Then, eventually coming out Chick.
And so we are able to breathe freely,
Still need the courage to pour our hearts.
The difficult path called life
We will fully jānoiet.
\"You have a swan heart. \"
It told me a child,
and a small heart so pure
as Christmas morning.

\"Bring me please cuddly teddy bear,
the caress, when it is sad.
I know you are talking
with the angels, because you are a swan heart. \"

Again come Christmas time,
Snow is falling, and catching handfuls of it, I remember
The little boy\'s request:
\"Bring me please bear,
the caress, when it is sad. \"

You have a swan heart,
It told me a child,
Small and heart so pure
As Christmas morning.

/ Kristine Podniece /
Christmas morning

Everything so nice and beautiful
How to view trace of the book,
As the white pages
Snow selected.

Think theirs
Snow again open.
And then over me
Falling down all the dreams calls
And dress like the stars in the sky
Hope my faith is born.
And over the quiet rural
Flying on Christmas morning.
And the moon shines drifts soon,
At the same time spreads the human heart,
In over Latvia
Flying on Christmas morning.

/ Guna Dancīte /

. . . And slowly the door opens:
Father of a green tree bears
And hands it sparkles flakes
As the white stars.

And one bright candle
Dedze mother and tree order:
How bright and warm from her
As the sun is everywhere!

\"At thy cradles story\" -
The father and mother sing,
And the big blue stars
Behind the window of snowy blossoms. . .

/ August Saulietis /

Christmas feelings,
Fill the hearts of all
Castles, cottages!

Joyous Christmas,
Heaven sent,
Visiting you all,
Are found in skumībā!

Christmas Star
To shine over all:
Peace to the earth,
Peace in every heart!

/ Vänskä Edvarts /
Christmas joy

With a white candle flame
I write letters
Those who come to visit,
those who are not come.

Will be the longest in my childhood,
every moment of the stars possessed
ointments brilliant.

Favorite will be a green tree branch
knocking at my window
taste of pine forest,
With winter bird song
Light enters the heart,
When the white glove articles
heating up the winter night.

With many candle flames
I write letters,
Owner will be - long called
Christmas joy
A few did not finish,
sky begins to sing
And land in the hands of white Candles make.

/ Skaidrite Kaldupe /
white angel

I\'ll ask for white angel,
Which to me seems so familiar -
To go with thee, and Just see
How do you go in these for Christmas?

To put my hand on his shoulder,
And never remove it away.
To fate sharp teeth,
New wounds can no longer bite.

I\'ll ask for white angel,
Which to me seems so familiar -
To the darkness comes light
And no wandering off
How old postcard

As an old postcard
Across the snow-capped trees
The twilight velvet
Full moon is shining,

And stars with apple
Join hands
And the world of heaven
silence brings.

As an old postcard
Viz is decorated with dazzling
Both Smildzina details,
Both čiekurots branch,

Oh, Christmas,
You why we are given,
The right to change
The human spirit.

/ Cornelia Apškrūma /
this holy night, under the \'sky and zvīļo

In this holy night under \'zvīļo and sky,
It included a heart with stars talking -
Rimst and hatred one of another beloved again,
Over all the rest hot wings are doing.

/ There is a Mora /
Silence. . .

Silence. . . and dub the door as always,
So quiet - that would stop once.
All quiet. And turned a blind eye, as it seems.
That turns everything into this world.

New Year comes, comes in a soft smell of spruce,
And the white flakes easily glides.
But the heart can not ieputināt snow
It should go big dreams to fulfill.

These days before Christmas
leads us toward a white
silence, followed by
something dear, long forgotten
and lost to us
again, to reinvent. . .

/ Potassium Skalbe /
Christmas poem

Head of green spruce slienas
All around the forest, evergreen forest
Here gnomes run their day
And moss their beds tear

Along the tree squirrels jump
In his badger cave doze
So Jay out loud hullabaloo
Once seen as a bunny gnawing trees

This achievement presented in a jiffy
Through flakes reindeer interference
They have a winter sled adventures
And there\'s a lot of gift bags

If you do not go with you toward them
With my own eyes see it
Then Dad asks safely Island
He has all the desires

There gnomes Christmas parties this night
Burned candles and rejoice
They received gifts
By morning the forest Joy

The end of the night and the sun is in your ears
There will be a quiet and calm winter morning
Even snow will not see no traces
Because there will be all white and clean

/ Pucena /
Christmas night listening

Come, listen to Christmas night,
When the sky snow mill-served basis.
We hope luck horseshoes
From the star shine striking.

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