little man with a backpack
Flowing stream of the street in his time:
To work one other home.
Powered huge number of buses,
All ņudz as a container that is crowded.
But, behold, a man goes to the goal safely,
What they see, it takes pleasure:
It is a step dun so victorious -
There\'s little rushing first grade.
The shoulders of a new backpack.
Excreted in human kiss,
He was glad to go with good thoughts,
And then we want to go.
/ Arvid Grigulis /
What is difficult?
Centipede is difficult
To stand on one leg.
Day of the month is difficult to
Shine on Earth and home.
The challenge is to store the
Come to konfekštūti,
Do not open the way immediately -
Oh, how hard!
The challenge is to the crows nest
Filch eggs;
But what\'s even harder?
Even more difficult to get up
And go to school!
/ Joseph Osmanis /
magic door
Buri-buri - charms.
Yes, yes, yes!
They have a magic door,
Through which can enter
If you say to close
all thirty-three,
then come
I have to!
/ John Baltvilks /
Let us seek, as to do
That can add up all ten.
One two, three -
The others will be soon.
Four, five, six -
They are no strangers to us.
Seven, eight, nine -
Areca either - here they are!
Put another present:
Well all ten snug!
/ Rainis /
to school
Dar \'I pastaliņas fathers,
Buy me a stately cap \',
I sew skirts māmuliņa:
School ieti I will!
Pieloc, sister, Finnish school
Bagātiemi pieces:
Environment riecientiņu bread,
Around the songs, fairy tales.
Balina, here you have enough horn,
Folk songs straw trap.
Partly where the Forest Mother
Nightingale song feelings\'.
I must go opened schools
Smart news iekrāties,
People grow in love,
The true spirit of freedom.
Large taps, then I\'ll be
People arājiņš land,
Distant sea braucējiņis,
Jājējiņš war horse.
/ Auseklis /
Better coverage under the maples
So patrenkāt,
Only a longer time is:
Present in September.
Right through the meadows
Another walk,
Only a longer time is:
Present in September.
Books at their
I get down, Mother:
Time school begins,
Present in September.
/ Andris Vējāns /
years old
What I did for five years?
Dad says the plant.
And what I\'ll do next year?
Mummy says up.
But even after one years old?
Then father and mother steps:
I should have grown
And go to school.
/ Joseph Osmanis /
School fun
Calais pleasure.
A little kautrāks
Enters quiet -
Well so be able to
Class Party
lose!. . .
The work you have hands full
With a heart full of good words.
Every branch of your tree of life,
So wondrously beautiful flowers glow.
You smile when Skauģi number of years,
Do not be sad, and if your hair is falling snow.
You\'re always so noble and beautiful,
In the heart and soul you live in the chest.
Go Solar happy trails and tall,
Brings handfuls of joy, giving light to others -
For here, at your table fellowship
Every one of us find ourselves a bright joy.
/ A Rode /
- the life you put Lyme.
This little world revolves around you all.
You light the stairs, through which up to be,
Where the golden sun and a large range of time RISA.
/ F. Swan /
solitude with good words to bear.
Your soul sister song and beauty,
Do good to another, - your greatest joy.
Of those people who illuminates life.
/ A Apškrūma /
Oh, the years spent together!
Although enjoyable, active and bright -
But each of them gilded
With your sincerity and effort.
Where the root source, where the root of the wind,
Where stone, which will become the edge of the field?
Where the root tear, which was held in secret?
Where the root of hope in every gas station?
Where the roots - I ask indefinitely
And endless admiration, it seems
These pages and dream kamolīts,
Where the soul lies at the heart of eternity. Saturiņicīts>
Matos silver heart gold you krājies,
Happy that knows how to get the gold.
I am still with you-when talked,
Go away, become richer. Saturiņicīts>
Sunflower mid-life
My teacher.
We like small zvirbulēni
Seeds uzknābājam.
/ M. Briede /
insecure and timid
We take your class came in,
But it lasted so briefly,
Because you felt it and came from here.
You instructed our ancestors
What the school cherished, wheel,
On our second mother became,
And who knows how you check that.
We iemācījāt read, write,
How to subtract numbers to put here,
And if that did not work out sometimes,
You hurry immediately scold.
While paaugāmies bit large,
We love to you bitches,
And now, when we leave school
Please, allow you to come visit.
/ Aija Celma / Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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