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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 203
woman shines - the whole house full of light, a woman
upset - the house dark.
unfulfilled dreams, which sees the sick, worried,
cruel, love, and drunk.
What is left of the show, fire and disease can be
flare up with renewed vigor, so well has been thoroughly extinguished.
nefarious person at all times to answer all the rudeness,
everyday people - the rudeness to rudeness, the venerable man will never be rude to him and how to survive.
A true friend - shows the unhappiness, the hero - the battle of Fair -
debt payment, a wife - poverty, relatives - adversity.
All around there is the pleasure of opening the world without hatred and prejudice.
Youth aiztrauc permanently. Then Let\'s surrender to joy - mortals are those who give pleasure!
When someone is showing courage in battle, all the brave troops of the top, when one gets scared, then the other top cowardly.
will take some time and a friend becomes an enemy, but
enemy - a friend, because the benefits of standing above all.
Avoid activities in which you are dependent on others, just do it, where everything depends on your own.
from friend to friend and neaizņemies lend. Debt as a scissors, cut the bonds of friendship.
advising fool - only tease.
Patience - a virtue and weak strength of adornment.
expect mature fruit fall, headed in this world - death.
Do not do nothing that you will repent himself dying. Because life is just a moment.

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